Enjoy this whole shrek fan site, Dave, you paid for it.
I’m waiting for you to call back and offer me a raise. If you want to double my pay, we’ll call it even.
edit: Thank you for looking at this Dave.
edit 2: post that started this
edit 3: texts with Dave are live
edit 4: closure with dave
okay so I don’t have a job anymore, but I do have screenshots of the text messages. Does this site let you make post with multiple pictures?
edit: it does not. I am going to have to stitch these together
Does this site let you make post with multiple pictures?
It does now. Also I hope you are still doing alright we miss you.
o7 back home to the swamp before Christmas
I am trying to tell Dave to sign up for an account. he is refusing.
make Dave an account and send them the password
no gods, no
mastersdavidsgoliath gang rise up
Hi Dave, here’s a picture of myself :sicko-yes:
This is the kind of drama I like to see on hexbear :big-cool:
okay so I almost doxed myself posting screenshots lol and now have two different emails sent to me saying im fired lol
Email back that they can’t fire you because you’re union
the chat is going well I have now demanded a union