It’s a good op ed and one with which any supporter of enlightened democracy should agree. The Supreme Court are playing fast and loose with public trust at a time when partisanship has crippled the other branches of government and polarization is dividing the country.
How can anyone respect a court that explicitly has no ethical standard?
What?! Are you saying judges shouldn’t be accepting lavish gifts from billionaires simply due to optics? That’s crazy talk. Money is speech because the… Oh wait.
Doing gods work, clicked through hoping someone had posted an archive link—thanks.
Thanks! I’m really impressed all the embedded links (at least the nyt ones) to other related articles are also archive links.
It’s about lack of consequences. Ethics only constrain people that don’t have the power to not give a fuck about what other people think is ethical.
The better question is: do they care?
It’s pretty obvious they don’t
Unfortunately, that’s how it is. The last time I served on a jury we all got free donuts, because a juror on another case earlier in the day had brought in donuts for the court, and the judge and bailiffs weren’t allowed to accept them.
Why would they care? They are, consequence free, rewriting the laws to more fit their needs.
They don’t need to justify their existence when there is no consequence for any action that they take…
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I’m probably being pedantic, but “any means necessary” sounds a bit too close to violent rhetoric for me.
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Ok. But what I’m saying is that you sound like you’re encouraging violence on him specifically.
I am encouraging the removal by any means necessary and I’d prefer non violence and democracy. I am not the one vastly changing the American political climate and altering the legal structure to turn the USA into a fascist country while creating the material conditions for violence. I have never acted in violence and am a vegan, I believe deeply in non violence. That said I do not think despots and tyrants should feel safe and secure. You should click the link the other poster left, these are the beliefs held by US presidents.
The highest court in the land has lower ethical standards than pretty much any job out there. I have to report a gift of maybe $15 but these clowns who make decisions affecting hundreds of millions of people can do whatever they want. How can we even pretend we live in a democracy?
The Coke masks the smell of the pubic hair.
In defense, the justices invoked the “Whoever smelt it, dealt it” defense, and replied “no, u”
They are unelected, lifelong tyrants. They don’t care what we think.