alt text: An image of Frylock, Meatwad, and Master Shake from “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” with additional text at the top and bottom of the image. The text reads: “The Confederacy lasted five years. Aqua Teen Hunger Force lasted 15. Master Shake is a bigger part of our heritage than your treasonous great-great-great-great granddad”
Things that lasted longer than the Confederacy:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
The Nickelodeon run of You Can’t Do That On Television (1981-1990)
Tom Baker’s portrayal of The Doctor on Doctor Who (1974-1981)
The AMC Gremlin (1970-1978)
The Ford Pinto (1971-1980)
The reign of the Petronas Towers as the tallest buildings in the world (1998-2004)
The partnership of the Cookie Crisp Crook and his dog, Chip (1990-1997)
Theres also the WiiU a game console so poorly marketed people thought it was a new controller.
deleted by creator
Me, when someone shows me a picture of Bragg
Fuck the secesh scum, glory to Master Shake
I’m in the middle of rewatching the show. This is great.
I started watching it a few months ago and i think its good.
“I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this!”
When i first started watching ATHF, the intro music was breaking my none-native English speaker brain and I always heard the last part of the song about meatwad being “and I am a t#rd” and Meatwad being kinda slow, it made sense in my brain, but I was like WTF?!? They used the R-word? Days later, I use subtitles and it’s “torus”, and am still like WTF??
I always heard “ice on my fingers, and my toes, and on my toys”
Im a mostly native english speaker and the theme song is still hard for me to understand. Btw it goes so fuckin hard imo
Stonewall who? Sorry, the Shake Zula was speaking
Aqua Teen won’t ever be cancelled. Aqua Teen won’t be dismantled. Aqua Teen gonna be together. Aqua Teen gonna be forever!
(Oh no you didn’t!).
Tears up“Well, I’m gonna sneak into your country and do this job there and then not cash any of your friggin’ checks! How will you like that?! You won’t, because you’ll be here!”