I one hundred percent believe that Scott Adams was hypnotized by a LLM.
“As a Large Language Model, I think you should put on the cat ears Scott”
Meow like a good kitten and I’ll tell you more about how deep my rabbit holes go
You can hypnotize yourself if you stare in a mirror or watch a recording
This explains why binging TV shows is so addictive, it’s hypnotism!
It’s called television programming for a reason.
stay woke
This on those things that is an unforced self own.
This “LLMs are super scary you guys they might even be sapient” grift is so eye-rollingly stupid. These people are on the mental level of literal children.
If my furby wasn’t sapient, how could it talk to me?
That was the Chinese secret police ya dingus.
and they weren’t even being secret!
I’m pretty sure children are much smarter than some of these people
I shit you not I heard an 11 year old kid buying candy at the cash register and he was legit explaining some basics of labor theory of value through the lens of candy price increases. Kids have damn good intuition.
Not sure why you’d want to advertise that you’re extremely susceptible to suggestion but maybe that’s why I’m not an alpha male
Didn’t he like recently get scammed for a shitload of money and then told people about that too
Really? Does anybody have details on this?
Lmfao found it
Literally tweeting out that he’s been scammed out of $50,000+ at least “5-7 times”
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I’ve leave this here - https://xcancel.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1515824752891695104
Why are you all laughing? This man has cured hundreds of people from their various health issues using only advice
Everyone is getting off a lot of jokes at your expense and no one is seeing the real man behind the tweets for the flawed, imperfect human you are. Don’t listen to these creeps, some of us still care. Anyways Scott I need to see your wallet I’m the inspector
The computer told me to close my eyes and not think and I did. Check mate beta cuck
Every time I hear something else about Scott Adams, I get more embarrassed about liking Dilbert when I was a shitty teen.
My godfather got me Scott Adams’ business book when I was 10 for my birthday present
I didn’t even like Dilbert, I was a Calvin & Hobbes kid
I’m still a Calvin and Hobbes kid
Calvin and Hobbes is still so good
I’ve got eight slugs in me. One’s lead, and the rest are bourbon. The drink packs a wallop and I pack a revolver.
Still one of the hardest lines in NOIR fiction.
I remember that one!
Christopher: “He was my godfather. But he knew I liked Calvin & Hobbes. He knew that. Dilbert - who likes that shit? Nobody wants that shit.”
Adriana: “So that’s when you keyed his car?”
Christopher: “No. That was another thing. Are you even listening to me! Pass me the bowl!”
Adriana: “Pass it to yourself.” And she walks angrily to the bedroom.
He throws up his hands.
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No, he’s like Kanye or musk, always insane but better at hiding it
Yeah, in one of his '90s books he had something about how daily affirmations could lead you to win big in the stock market, or some shit.
Another one had his own personal theory of how the universe worked
He has always been bonkers, but the chud type of bonkers is more recent. This particular post is pretty inline with how he’s always been
He’s probably gotten worse, but looking back, there were warning signs
He showed hints of it when the tea party was taking off, but it was fairly level-headed stuff. The descent into madness was gradual, and I feel blessed to read his earlier posts where a germ of the madness started off.
I mean didn’t he write some insane religious screed in the aughts?
I was never into Dilbert but my parents got me that big collection of them where Scott Adams leaves little comments on them in a sort of marginalia way. It was before a large car trip and I think they thought it would be just funny cartoons like Calvin and Hobbes (which I’d read earlier) to keep me entertained. And so for some reason I can remember certain Dilbert comics in crystal clarity including Scott Adams opinions on the reaction at the time.
Weirdly a similar thing happened to Mattie Lubchansky author of the Antifa Cookbook and Boys Weekend.
I had several of the cartoon books, but the only one I remember specifically is the one where Dogbert asks a recruit for the holy war (Linux vs Windows, I think?), “Can you chant?”
Something about that just really tickled me.
My dad had two Far Side collections in hardcover and I loved those things.
same vibes as that cult expert who said sissy hypno videos he found on the internet were CIA-tier brainwashing or something
This is an incredibly high-tier bit!!
And you didn’t let it hypnotize you into becoming a sissy cuckold? What kind of man are you?!
Sure, I fantasize about being forcibly sissified and liling it. Plenty of cis people do, amirite lads?
Forcibly cissified
Ain’t nothing gay about getting stuffed by the homies unless you cuddle afterwards… Or so I’m told
I do :hyperflush:
yes, there are literally dozens of us
He did, and that’s why it’s so dangerous
He sissy hypno’d himself
Rod Dreher, you have customer…
last night i made my amazon alexa tell me a scary story and the ghost of lon chaney jr. popped out of the floor and he looked at me
The prompt: You will not call your ex after drinking
hey you, did you know that The Digital God is coming, trust me on this, also if you can make a donation to our ‘Society for AI Alignment’ that would be great too
Is it possible to train an AI to convince people who believe LLMs are sapient to take a permanent vow of silence?
He was hypnotized long before the LLM got there.