It’s sad when the best candidate that the Democrats can field against a Fascist who literally tried to stage his own Beer Hall Putsch against Congress and kickstart the Fourth Reich… is a senile fossil who should be in a care home, not the White House.
Just to point out, since the USA has never been an empire, it would be the “First Reich”. The term “Third Reich” for Germany only fits because it was meant to succeed the HRE (as first Reich) and the German Empire (as second Reich)
The democrats could run a literal cup of coffee and I would vote for it before that draft dodging, child rapist piece of shit Trump.
Well shit, why even have a president then? Lets just have a king, accountable to nobody. Thats what youre suggesting, after all. That whoever is in power wont even be publically known.
You are trying so hard to talk with the big kids and it’s just so ADORABLE 😍
Remember, girls: any male friend you know that votes for Trump probably sees you as a piece of meat and wants to own you like property.
Don’t date conservatives, don’t sleep with them, don’t befriend them, don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization. Unless you’re in a situation where you have to, where cutting ties or ending the relationship/friendship will make you unsafe or put your livelihood or your home life at risk, you should cut them off. I cut ties with a lot of old friends who became conservatives. It’s not a normal tolerable thing to be conservative. No one who believes the things they do should be tolerated. Their beliefs should, at the least, come at the cost of their relationships and friendships.
Conservatives do not respect human rights and human dignity. They do not believe that men and women are equal, that rich and poor are equal, or that black people and white people are equal. They’ll make a facade of tolerant behavior that immediately crumbles under any scrutiny to show their bigotry. These bigots have governed every conceivable aspect of our lives for far too long.
Cut ties with a friend when he said the Jan 6 terrorists were justified. He lost a lot of friends then. Like literally every mutual friend of ours was done with him after that.
Clown world🤡