Linux actually also has a graceful shutdown process. It tells apps its shutting down by sending SIGTERM, and its up to each process to flush data asap, do whatever they gotta do, and then shut down.
If they don’t listen then linux will indeed pull out the
baseball batchainsawkatana and make processes die whether they want to or not.SIGTERM is the graceful way tho? It nicely asks programs to please close and cleanup. Unlike SIGKILL, which bombs the shop and creates orphans.
Yup. And you can kill processes in Windows to in the task manager. Or probably with a Powershell command too, but nobody’s gonna learn Powershell LOL.
There’s nearly always equivalent functions in both Linux and Windows, just in Windows you gotta click around in more bullshit forms and shit to find stuff. Or learn Powershell, but again, LOL. They are both OSes after all, they do similar things. Just one might do them better than the other.
Why u gotta hate on PowerShell like that? I like it. 😭
Probably because it’s the scripting language equivalent to Clippy. Ref.: Approved “verbs”
You don’t have to follow best practices though. You can name shit pretty much whatever you want.
No, but if you don’t the UI will nag at you just like Clippy did, which is my point.
I really appreciate the consistency. People also dog it for being verbose to write but it makes it so much more legible.
I usually write verbose code and use self-documenting function names, but to have such a limited set of verbs available can be frustrating. They could at least have used a proper dictionary and included all verbs. Then have a map of synonyms that are preferred, like instead of ‘create’ they prefer ‘new’ (which isn’t even a verb).