I only got Supraland: Six Inches Under.
Tunic, Elden Ring, Ori and the Will of the Wisps and others are still on muy waitlist, mostly because of my lack of time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I bought about 30 games. Only ones I remember offhand are Lego Hobbit and Lego LOTR. There were many more though.
I went big, mostly indie games I’ve wanted to try for awhile, mainly for playing on Steam Deck
ELDEN RING, Escape Simulator, Vampire Survivors, Mini Motorways, Only Up!, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, Celeste, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge, Rogue Legacy 2, Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection, Spelunky 2, Super Meat Boy, Pogostuck, Persona 3 Portable & 4 Golden, Kindergarten 1 & 2
Got myself Fallout 4 for on my deck
Let me know how it runs, for some reason I can never get Fallout 4 to run smoothly on any system.
X4: Foundations - though I probably won’t get around to playing it til later in the year…
Elden ring (finally!)
No games (so far) because I have enough of a backlog to play but went for a Steam Deck (512 GB version because I like anti-glare and don’t want to upgrade it right away) and dock. I rarely feel like playing at my desk lately but enjoy playing on my Switch on the couch, so the deck should help me work thorugh my backlog.
Nothing. Partially because I already have too many games between PC and Switch, and partially because the sales are kinda shit since Valve stopped doing flash sales.
The Steamdeck sale is tempting. I have been trying to decide if I need one (I don’t need one, but that’s not important).
I’ve had mine since launch, I’ve used it less this year since my company cut all travel, but I’d definitely recommend it.
Mainly I use it as a home console, since I don’t have another console and it’s great having all the Steam library right there. I set up Heroic Games Launcher and play Rocket League quite often.
I’d thought of getting an Xbox before as it’s also okay with Game Pass for just playing something on the TV to relax. But it seems that’s really going to end up like Netflix with the decreasing quality and increasing price, and paying 500+ EUR to be locked into that doesn’t seem great.
Then what really sealed the deal was when I visited my brother and we couldn’t watch the World Cup on the Xbox. Like you have some of the best hardware in the world, and can’t stream video because they lock it down so much. Whereas the Steam Deck is so versatile.
Building off what the other guy said, you’ll want to upgrade the hard drive when you can, I got the 64gb one and got two 500+ gb sd cards, but the shaders needed for the games can only be stored on the internal memory from what I’ve seen, and even having a few larger games installed has filled up the majority of my internal storage, to a point where I couldn’t download updates for flatpacs or run some games due to so LITTLE storage. I’m going to look into upgrading my drive because it became such a problem for me
I didn’t need one but I wanted one and it was a good idea.
Dooooo it
If you consider, consider also to buy the one with the lowest storage. It is not that hard to upgrade it yourself. You end up with even more storage than the most expensive model (if you’re planning to buy that one). You only miss the anti-glare etched glass and a custom profile background. But you can buy a anti-glare screenprotector if needed.
I’m still on the fence for buying Hogwarts Legacy. 20% off is still more than €40…
Have a look on greenman gaming. It’s 32% off. £33.99 in the UK.
If you’ve yet to buy it, go take a look at GG.Deals; it’s a great price comparison tool that lets you look at prices across a bunch of online stores.
I got Subnautica for £8.24, original Alan Wake for £4.64 and Surviving Mars deluxe edition for £8.74. Not bad!
Enjoy Subnautica! If you can I recommend going in as blindly as possible, and READ all the things! Oh, what I’d give to be able to forget everything about it and play it again for the first time…
I bought slay the spire, i have only been able to go on 1 run which was very fun, now waiting for some peoper time off to play again.
Great game, I am very impatient though so I die a lot of times.
I reached till the end but lost to the spire. It reminds me a lot of FTL in that regard.
There’s a lot of replayability even in vanilla. I’ve put a hundred hours in after doing it a few times and uninstalled so I could play other games!
I love that you can calculate things as you go along, and understand if it’s going to come off.
Sound good, i tend to play games with high replayability value more, some of my favourites are, enter the gungeon, cultist simulator, binding of isaac, darkest dungeon and spleunky. STS was on my list for a long time, i knew i would love it!
If you want to learn how to play better Jorbs’ videos are a good resource
Yes, thanks, ill check out his channel!
I bought Battlebit Remastered, and refunded it after 70 mins playing.
What was up with it?
Figured I can just play the Battlefield games for which I payed less and which is basically the same but with better graphics, sounds and effects.
Also I can buy it later again when it is on discount below Eur 10,00.