What is the ‘no see’ eyeball in the bottom right that sometimes appears? What does it indicate?
As far as I can tell, it hides every post you’ve already interacted with on the current screen.
I thought so too, but there is no ‘action’ when pressed and it appears seemingly random as you scroll.
Hide read posts.
Only shows if hide read posts is selected in settings.
To devs, maybe there needs to be an explanation when you select this setting? This question is asked a lot.
So it’s an indicator, not a button or toggle for the function it seems.
If new posts are read in the feed (for example if you like them) they are still shown unless you click the button or refresh the feed.
It does have a function.
I played a bit more and it seems that if you open a post then close it the post remains in your scroll where you started. Pressing the eye seems to refresh the feed and remove the posts you have ‘viewed’. By ‘viewed’ I refer to opening a post or image that tells Memmy you have ‘read’ it as per the settings. The eye is just a refresh it would seem.
Thanks for the comments, it gave me some ideas to play with around this.