Thank fuck. This man can go down in history as the savior of the Republic if he fucks off and endorses someone else.
Dear Joe,
You made it. You ran for president for decades, and you finally did it. On top of that, you did the best you could dealing with some genuinely absurd and unprecedented issues, and all told did a completely acceptable if not a pretty good job.
Now, if you actually care about the country you’ve spent your entire life serving, it’s time to resign, let Kamala finish out your term, and give her the opportunity to run the race as an incumbent. There is no shame in recognizing the time has come. Literally everybody gets old, it’s kinda fundamental. To be clear, I don’t like Kamala one bit, I think she’s a problematic candidate with a problematic record, and a terrible communicator. But she’s an intelligent and vital human being with relevant experience. Stress on the vitality, meaning she’s not in her final months of life.
Sorry, but your age really does matter. Frankly, you have one of the only jobs in the world where your age matters so much. Kamala won’t embarrass us nearly as much as you did during the debate. There’s nothing you can say that will convince me that you’ll magically get younger and more vital in the next few months, so again, if you care about this country, you need to step aside immediately, and put all of the party’s establishment support behind Kamala. Anything less is selfish. If Kamala, as an incumbent president, can’t beat Trump—a man who promises to use his new immunity in the worst ways possible—I don’t think you would again either.
Sincerely, An exhausted patriot
If Joe Biden sticks around and manages to win, he’ll be remembered as a pretty average president. If he sticks around and loses, he’ll be remembered as a politician whose arrogance hurt the whole country.
If he withdraws without more fuss, he’ll be remembered as an extraordinarily decent and humble man, especially among politicians, regardless of the results of the election.
If he bows out, I’ll breathe a sigh of relief. In a way, it doesn’t matter if he had a cold and jet lag during the debate, and he’s tip-top now. In fact, I’ve watched footage of him since the debate, and it seems to be true. He’s back to his normal self.
But the political damage could be too much, regardless of his actual health.
At the same time, if he doesn’t bow out, I will gladly crawl through broken glass to vote for him.
It’s July. Who the fuck is supposed to replace him? These articles are fuckin pointless.
There is someone in office right now whose only real job is to step in if the President can no longer do the job. Remember her?
Kamala Harris has the elect-ability and personality of a potato that you left on the counter for too long and it grows eyes.
I compare her more to broccoli or peas. Nobody’s favorite food, but gives you the proper nutrients to fight fascism. Now shut up and eat your peas.
Which was potentially the previous three years
Buttigieg, Newsom, AOC, Kamala, etc, etc, etc. take your pick from any of the prominent Democrats.
I was just thinking that AOC isn’t old enough but she turns 35 in October, good timing.
Regardless of one’s opinion of the current situation, that he is considering it is a good thing. There are probably no good options, but if the pros and cons are weighed and the conclusion is that Biden endorsing someone else is the better choice, then that’s what should be done.
Regardless, voting this November is about voting against fascism, regardless of who the Dem candidate is.
I’m glad he’s taking it seriously. It looks like the next few events he does are going to be really important in determining his next steps. If they go badly, I think he drops. If they go well, he’ll probably stay in.
I also 100% believe that Biden is fully aware of this article and likely encouraged the NYT’s source to approach the media. Part of evaluating this whole thing is going to be gauging public opinion and testing the waters.
We don’t have time for people to talk him into doing the right thing…
He needs to step out ASAP so the party can move on and unite under a candidate that doesn’t have such shit polling numbers if we want to beat trump.
Who is that going to be, I’ve not seen any polls that show potential candidates doing better.
Eh. If it takes 1 or 2 weeks, so be it. As things stand, we’re getting trump and America is gone.
I think even with Biden it’s close to a 50/50 shot of beating trump.
I just don’t like those odds and don’t understand why we’re plowing ahead with two candidates no one really wants as president.
I just wish Biden and the DNC were taking this election seriously. This could be a walkin victory with AOC or even Whitimere.
You can’t honestly say that no one wants trump. There are actual die tards for him.
I wish AOC was willing to run for the presidency.
It’s very difficult for ambitious people to admit that they’re done. Once you reach the pinnacle, it’s hard to give up, because the only way forward is down. LBJ is held up as an example, but it was difficult for him, too:
On Inauguration Day (January 20, 1969), Johnson saw Nixon sworn in, then got on the plane to fly back to Texas. When the front door of the plane closed, Johnson pulled out a cigarette—his first cigarette he had smoked since his heart attack in 1955. One of his daughters pulled it out of his mouth and said, “Daddy, what are you doing? You’re going to kill yourself.” He took it back and said, “I’ve now raised you, girls. I’ve now been President. Now it’s my time!” From that point on, he went into a very self-destructive spiral.
Consider how screwed up the SC is right now. Yes, a lot of that is due to Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham playing games, but it’s also due in no small part to RBG not resigning when many told her she ought to. Now, it’s quite clear that she was capable of the job at the time, and would only be stepping down for political expediency, so Obama could have named a younger replacement. If RBG had retired, and the court was less of a clusterfuck, we might not have appreciated how important that moment would have been.
It’s hard enough to take the car keys away from Grandpa, it’s harder to take the keys to power away.
It’s hard enough to take the car keys away from Grandpa, it’s harder to take the keys to power away.
People aren’t even really trying to take Biden’s keys away…
They’re just saying we’re not letting him drive the kids to Country Kitchen Buffet anymore.
We don’t know if there’s going to be an accident this time, or ever.
It’s just bad risk assessment to let him keep going to until an accident happens
Even if he beats trump, that doesn’t mean he’ll be a capable president at 85 when this next term is up