ANY Girl 18-45
Needing A Free Place To Get Murdered
IM A Single White guy:they-live-glasses:
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You’re not gonna do any creepy sexpest shit, right?
I can’t tell if I was comphet, or if I was actually bi and every day cis straight dudes just pushed me further into lesbianism by existing.
I somewhat relate to this from a bit of a different angle.
I’m pansexual, so truthfully, I don’t actually care what my partner’s gender is itself, but I have a lot of standards which are not inherently related to gender per se. Far more women meet these standards than men, so in a sense, it makes me de-facto exclusively into women.
To give some examples, I’d love a partner who is vegan, has long hair, and doesn’t have toxic masculinity. A man has the capacity to have all of these traits obviously, but if you think on the chances, I guess that narrows down the gender of my dating pool to be overwhelmingly women.
I’m gonna guess he doesn’t actually mean ANY
Also his lower bound is only 18 because of legal requirements.
And still has his own dealbreaker with women past 45.
How I feel about my coworker trying to date a 19 YO.
small business owners are the backbone of America
Would be a shame if someone were to use that number and set up a little ambush…
I saw these kinds of weirdos all the time when I was on roommate sites way back.
You can’t quiet tell but the guy sorta looks like he might be over 45? So uh.
Just a heckin’ smol bean sex pesterino who wants to love a woman for what’s on the inside instead of society’s superficial beauty standards. He especially loves kidneys, and probably lungs if you’re a non-smoker. He’ll even draw up a nice icy bath for you!
Not even if I was homeless and freezing would I call him.