Japan is another world. When I was traveling there, I remember seeing dots on the highways so as to space your interval with the car in front of you. Another person in my group started laughing because that would be ignored in the US but the guy driving was confused and couldn’t fathom not following that rule. He was like, “why wouldn’t you do that?”
Cause America is the land of the selfish.
That’s a funny way to spell Earth.
EDIT: I meant that this isn’t just a US problem. There are way too many selfish people worldwide, and they are one of the many reasons we still haven’t made proper steps to avoid an ecological disaster. I don’t really get the downvotes.
America has not yet been nuked
They have those dots on the road in some parts of PA, specifically around Lancaster. Some people follow the 2 dot rule there, but most I’ve seen do not.
I’ve seen them on route 41 in PA and I can’t ever remember seeing anyone maintaining a two-dot following distance.
Our work culture is worse. They have some worker protections, and healthcare isn’t tied to employment.
Whoops wrong thread
Just use the two seconds rule, no dots needed
Japan is a place where you can leave your phone on the table at a Cafe while you go to the bathroom and still expect it to be there when you come back, but God help you if you left your nice umbrella in the communal umbrella holder on a rainy day.
The crime rate and especially the murder rate compared the the US is shockingly different.
That’s a genuine culture shock (compared to America at least). Is it true, is there a good source on this story?
itt: Americans angry they will never experience this level of empathy
Some things I hear about Japan makes me feel like we should be more like the Japanese. But then I remember what their work culture is like.
Our work culture is worse. They have some worker protections, and healthcare isn’t tied to employment.
One of the highlights of my life was having a chance to live with a family in the Tokyo suburbs - in Akitsu Higashimurayama. Miss them so much. お母さん に 会いたい な~
Where 99.8% of trials result in conviction 😅 I’d be making damn sure that ball made it back too.
Iirc part of the reason the conviction rate is so high is because either A) it’s a relatively minor infraction and person apologizes, claims it was a misunderstanding, accident, cultural differences, ignorance, etc and is then released, or B) they don’t think there’s enough evidence to convict, so they don’t even bother taking it to court.
That of course is because of the high shame/snitch culture and the fact that the police can hold you indefinitely and force confessions. Conviction rates that high often have many false positives too.
It may be a nice police state but imo I wouldn’t want to live under those rules. Maybe a visit if I ever have money but yeah.
I don’t exactly understand what is remarkable here. But maybe that is because I’m not from the USA.
As an American I’m surprised it found it’s way back to her