What do you guys think about the line up? Anything you like?
It Takes Two having the friend pass is pretty clutch if only one friend subscribes. Highly suggest this co-op experience.
My wife and I are playing through it now and it really is a blast.
It’s even motivated her to learn to use a controller, and she understands the ‘gaming high’ as well.
Wanna play this with my GF as well, I’ve played it through with a friend before and it was a magical experience!!
I played this through with my wife and it was one of the few games we could enjoy together. After finishing it we also played A Way Out. I wish there were more experiences like these.
I’ve also played both of those with my SO. We also really enjoyed Cat Quest 2, Sackboy a Big Adventure, Overcooked and Heavenly Bodies. All very different style of games, but good co-op fun.
Other games we played are Moving Out, some Lego games, and some Dark Pictures games. Good, but not as great as the others.
And we currently are playing Diablo 3, which is going alright.
Always been interested to try World War Z, could be a good game with friends.
And The Ascent is a great game if you’re into cyberpunk worlds.
I have heard World War Z can become repetitive, but is fun with friends.
I just bought and finished The Ascent a month ago! It was excellent. If you haven’t played it yet and you have Extra, it is well worth your time. Much better cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077.
I started it on PC a while ago. Loved it but never finished it because I was playing with friends and we could never get our schedules right
Thanks for the recommendation. Will check it out.
I just bought Snowrunner last month. I didn’t know I needed a Spintires fix and it’s pretty and great.
I am not into these kinds of games but have heard good things about Snowrunner. How are you liking it?
It’s certainly not like a first person shooter or any kind of platformer that’s for sure😂. I find it relaxing more than anything just driving around delivering trailers, fuel, oil drills etc, getting bogged and bust out the winch, fun times. I’ve only just started and it was on sale with a one year season pass so it’ll take me forever to get through it.
Need to check out It Takes Two.
Yeah, I have heard it’s best played with your significant other. Going to try that.