They’re pissed off because after several decades, Michigan is no longer gerrymandered and the vibe of the people have spoken. They voted GOP out
It’s really crazy just how quick politics flipped in this state once we passed the redistricting referendum. Like, I knew there’d be a shift in power, but holy wah. The MI GOP basically owned this place for decades.
Over budget questions… Nothing about, you know, their refusal to view certain groups of people as humans.
just because they’re fighting over money doesn’t mean they suddenly stopped hating minorities.
They are in agreement about the hate, it’s money they scrap over
Couldn’t they realize that there’s more that unites them than divides them?
Honestly, that doesn’t surprise me that much. We already know that the GOP cares about money more than it cares about people. This is just confirmation.
Ever since that crackpot Karamo took over it’s been like this.
Big doners leaving, constant questions on budget and planning, “choosing” not to use their traditional headquarters after years of using it, bickering between county and state officials, dwindling money supply, and all she has to show for it is “I designed a new logo!”
If I were more of a tinfoil hat sort of guy I could’ve swore she was a plant to destroy the republican party from within.
The cannibalization of the GOP is so very entertaining. The party that tries so desperately to convince people they’re the nonviolent ones can’t even stop from attacking themselves.
“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair.
Mr DeYoung gave his account to the outlet over the phone from an emergency room where he said he was being treated for a broken rib.
For his part, Mr Chapman alleges that Mr DeYoung had swung at him and said: “I’ll kick your ass.” Mr DeYoung denies this happened.
Continuing, Mr Chapman says he removed his glasses, took Mr DeYoung by the legs and knocked him down: “When you see me taking my glasses off, I’m ready to rock.”
Let them fight.~
Everyone has a phone in their pocket and yet this isn’t on Worldstar.
It’s the GOP. They’re old, it takes them time to think of these things.
Plus the camaras suck on their flip phones
It reads like an Onion article.
That kick to the balls must have been epic if it broke a rib.
I’ll admit, I didn’t think I’d ever vote for another republican again, but I just might vote for a republican who kicked another republican in the goolies so hard it broke a rib.
Catharsis. Keeps me from doin it.
We should make this a sport. Republiball. I’d watch it all day.
Republiballs friend
I think that kick popped at least one.
Serious people - the kind who read, and understand things, and work well with others - do not behave this way. And the worst part is this is not only “not new”, it’s nowhere near going in the right direction.
Who knew basing your political platform on culture wars and owning the libs rather than actual issues would lead to violence?
“B-But they’re comin’ after my gas stove!”
Mr DeYoung said he intended to press charges against Mr Chapman.
Thank you.
… has found itself out of power in the state legislature for the first time in four decades.
Thank you.