Where does that highway go to
Anybody who’s a Talking Heads fan should check out David Byrne’s American Utopia.
I remember when that video came out: I was in college. Used to hang out in the campus center watching MTV on the big screen television. Not a flat screen, of course. Those were decades in the future. But damn, there were some good videos made back then!
Absolutely fantastic song, and somehow not even the best track on that album.
When this song came out, I was struck by how much it applied to my life. I was living in a shotgun shack, in place I’d never been to before, we drove a Winnebago, and I was a beautiful wife, only not his beautiful wife, and I most definitely wondered how I got there!
There has never been a time in my life in which I have turned down the chance to watch David Byrne do weird little dances.
same as it ever was
For those who didn’t know, Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense double LP is available for pre-order now for an August release date.