Can you even imagine being this based?
I need to check this game out
It’s an amazing game and addicting once you get into it. If you think Quake and Devil May Cry sounds like a fun combo, this is the game.
Just be aware the game isn’t finished yet. The last few levels are missing.
Honestly there’s so much content it could be released as a full game as is and I would not be disappointed
Yeah, I thought the game was good value when there was only Act 1, and now the game is more than double that.
I just bought it based on this alone. Early-access and FPS games aren’t typically my thing, but I like the cut of this person’s jib.
In all honesty, it’s a great game and it’s not that expensive. There’s currently even a deal in the Humble Store:
And in case you liked it, Turbo Overkill is similar and also great.
That’s some class right there. ✨
The use of class as a discriptor is ironic lmao
This does not seem like my kind of thing, but by golly I respect that something fierce. Buying a copy just to support the dev.
plot twist: joke’s on you, it’s just viral marketing
deleted by creator
Not that anyone wants them, but I’ve had the same policy about my books. They got “leaked” by a friend that put them in his soulseek folder. Doesn’t bother me at all
I mean good for him.
But very few pirates actually can’t afford shit. It’s mostly people in shitty regions and freeloaders who don’t pay for anything.
So, money the company was never going to make anyway then, got it.
You have to be playing Devil’s advocate for the sake of it because every significant study done on the subject shows that piracy has a positive or at worst neutral effect on the industry.
devil’s advocate would be calling this a hollow publicity stunt