doesn’t necessarily have to be matrix, but something cool and avoiding enshittified platforms is ideal
also feel free to dm if u wanna be friends, need more of those too!
Pardon my ignorance, what is a “matrix space”? Searching online I only find stuff about linear algebra and I don’t know how many gay numbers can be found in vectors
my bad. It’s a federated texting app kinda like discord (unlike lemmy, it’s not based on ActivityPub, so not technically part of the so-called ‘fediverse’). Anyways, most people are more familiar with the most popular client used to access matrix, which is Element. Maybe I should’ve opened with that idk haha.
Anyways, it doesn’t have to be on Matrix/element, just hoping there’s something that isn’t a shitty app. I need more queer online friends lol.
But does matrix have the discord feature where it plays the notification sound and then shows 87 notifications from 12 different servers with no decernable way to tell which one made the sound?
Not yet found another chat app that has that feature.
luckily element (the client i use) tends to be pretty good about actually having intuitive notification showcasing. Although tbf im only in like 6 rooms/spaces total so idk.
Oh, one Discord feature I really like is how it doesn’t have the ability to mass mute servers so that you’re not pinged awake at 3am by someone tagging @everyone. You can either turn off notifications for everything, or go through servers one by one.
Oh my fucking god. I thought I was the only one. I was not born in this morning. Nor this century. Nor this millennium, but I am not too ancient to track down a notification.
Unless it’s from Discord.
Can’t you open up the inbox and the mentions tab or the notification part in the app and see what came last?
Yes, but idk how to do that on desktop and it’s also annoying finding out on channels where you have notifications for all messages.
It’s near the top right corner on desktop, the little inbox next to the question mark help button. I suppose the last part makes sense though.
Yes, but it sorts in chronological order so the notifications are all old. It doesn’t even load the whole list at once you can’t even scroll to the end to see the current notifications.
The mentions tab in there is newest first I believe. The other tabs do seem more useless to be fair because it’s like you said.
I read in the latest blog post that mastodon<>matrix bridging is coming so while not properly part of the fediverse, it is still going to be connected to it soon :3
wow that’s actually pretty cool though ngl
are you in the unoffcial 196 matrix space yet?
its cozy, community with some active users mrow
btw, do you know about xmpp yet? its like matrix but cooler~ but also its kind of a bit deserted ;w; maybe i should create a queer community there…
heyy, i created a queer xmpp community :33
I’m trying to create an account on, but they require to fill a form and the form’s page isn’t working ;–;
you dont need to get the account at any other matrix server should work as well. i got my account at
I know. I just haven’t found a server to create an account at yet. I’ll look into this one gou mentioned. Thank you! ^w^
I’m on 196, although it’s not very active ;v; haven’t heard of xmpp, but I’d be willing to give it a try! how does it work? what’s the difference between it and matrix?
its a different protocol. the user experienc eis similar to matrix but less polished. its a lot better with meta data and provacy tho, and more performant and less intense on servers, which i like
that’s interesting, I’ll have to check it out
Just checking in to say: Cute dress!
OP, go hang up that pile of clean clothing that’s just out of shot.
tbh idk what you mean. The stuff by my dresser? that’s where it already belongs. Or do you mean my bed? there’s no laundry on it haha
I think they’re projecting :p
That, plus the wrinkled dress implies OP does the same thing, lol.
No one* likes ironing. Us life pros buy stuff that doesn’t need ironing
Though even that has to be hung out moments after it finishes washing; how do people deal with that where driers are normal? has a specific room, but all the rooms are chill, or they’d get kicked out
I’ve been meaning to check out matrix, so thanks for making this post, maybe it’ll push me to do it finally.
Also, I love your dress, it’s got such a cute pattern and fit (and speaking of fit, masterful camera work/posing — I can never figure out how to do a flattering shot when taking full body pictures, but this is great)
thanks! if you want, you can dm me and I’ll help you set up an account!
My experience is that there are a lot of gay people without the queerness, and what i mean by that is they are traditional, and blend in. That said, you might know more gay folk than you think. I don’t know any effective way of identifying them, but if you’re running into a lack of online community, i suggest considering finding offline communities.
where all them furry comp sci majors at
not a furry, but i am gay, transfem, and compsci major/computer nerd
I’m probably the only person here who isn’t one.
What’s a good Matrix client on Android?
element! it’s on pretty much all platforms, Windows, Linux, web browser, ios and Android, etc
Okay, thanks. I’ve logged in. Not sure what to do now lol.