A moment I’ve no doubt many Linux fans have been waiting to see. The Linux user share on Steam has smashed through the 2% barrier.
Not actually for the first time though, it did initially rise up above 2% in March 2013, shortly after the original Steam for Linux release when it left Beta. Part of the reason it had higher numbers at the start, was that Valve added a special Tux item into Team Fortress 2 only on Linux but it quickly dropped in the following months.
Only dimly related, but since I’m in this 2%, I can’t help reflecting that in the 11 months since joining Lemmy, I have:
Canceled all of my streaming subscriptions
Built a massive Plex Server
Rekindled my love of Unix building said server
Began pirating movies, TV, music, and software like a fucking syphilitic pegleg
Began experiencing Star Trek TNG for the first time, pirated, on my Plex Server, running Linux
Bought a steam deck and began experimenting with Arch
Don’t ever let anyone tell you your feed doesn’t influence you, no matter how media literate you are.
Fuuuuuuuck, you made have the same realization.
Ditched W10 for Mint
Bought a NAS and set up all .arrs and cancelled all my subscriptions (- Spotify)
Home media server with Jellyfin
Shared said server with friends and family via Tailscale
Set up my very first server on a low end device running headless Debian, all from scratch with docker and Portainer. Currently running a Valheim server
All this with 0 previous Linux experience. Reddit beeing cunts made me learn a lot of cool new things these part 12 months!
I moved my Desktop to Linux when the Steam Deck was announced. Before that I had no idea that Linux was able to play almost any game using Proton.
So I think the Steam Deck has also boosted Desktop numbers.
I found that there is a branch called Bazzite that is essentially Steam OS for desktop, I’ve been using it for a few months now with four monitors and no major hiccups.