Awesome Android Apps
Hi all,
for 2 years, sporadically, I’ve been adding awesome FOSS apps with the following:
- Open Sourced
- Free of charge (on F-Droid and source code repository releases)
- Free as in Freedom
- Ad-free
- Installed and tested by me or by contributor
- Privacy-friendly aware
- Easy to use
- Still in development or polished experience
- Does not lack features compared to proprietary app
- Does not need an account (the only exceptions are self-hosted) apps)
- Has dark theme
…tested by my and then later by contributors. I think many of you will appreciate this simple repo, and I would love some help with it.
I hope you will find it useful! 🤩
Feature request: Describe each app. At least what it does (beyond just the category)
I tried to have this list as concise as possible. Probably it shouldn’t even scale vertically - better horizontally, preferably with responsive design. However, how would you like it implemented? Every so often, I add necessary comments:
Like this
See Trackers for example.
So in the end I just wanted to create a list that if someone is interested in some app, he can click links and read about this app in Source Code repo or F-Droid. Yet, I was thinking of maybe F-Droid information dynamically scrapped into static site with “approved” apps but idk.
Those comments in the tracker section are good, just a one line summary kind of thing for all of them would be a nice improvement.
I’m not asking for full F-Droid information (but if you want to include it, maybe put it in a tap-to-show sliding thing (sorry, I don’t do web dev) )Yeah but sometimes it is hard but good idea. :) Me neither haha that’s why I do MarkDown
Github accepts the details HTML tag as part of Markdown. You could use that to put there a description and it would only be visible if you expand it.
Yeah, I know that, but maybe it’s my personal preference that I try to use pure MarkDown when HTML is unclean with a mix of it. You probably meant something like here:
<details open="open"> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> <ol> <li><a href="#installing">Installing</a></li> <li><a href="#shortcuts">Shortcuts</a></li> <li><a href="#features">Features</a></li> <li><a href="#dependencies">Dependencies</a></li> <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li> <li><a href="#building">Building</a></li> <li><a href="#translating">Translating</a></li> <li><a href="#supported-languages">Supported Languages</a></li> <li><a href="#license">License</a></li> </ol> </details>
Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. But I get that you want to avoid HTML if possible.
If you find a pure markdown alternative, let me know, I was looking at options a while back for a repo and settled on the HTML tag.I was thinking about it but it generates many lines when MarkDown is simple.
There is no alternative as far I know due to MarkDown renderer.
Same for setting size for images or centering something.
There is a F-droid list of apps too. f-droid list
Awesome list! Found some apps I’m interested in from the list, will definitely check them out. Thank you for compiling this!
No problem, that what it is for! Thanks for checking out :)
Just did a super quick glance, but are you really considering QKSMS maintained?
Unforutunately by having work, college, hobbies and many more I don’t have much time that’s why I look for people like you to point that out. :) That app was added long time ago. Sad to see being abandoned.
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