These IDF guys literally burned books and then posed for a photo to try to look cool on social media. Do these people have no self awareness, how do they not realize that they are the baddies?
These photos are designed for domestic consumption. Israeli citizens feed on these displays of spite like vampires, so the iof can’t help but produce them.
Also they are so indoctrinated that they can’t comprehend how bad it looks to other nations
They know they can brush off any and all criticism as antisemitism, so there’s almost literally nothing to lose. It’s a defense so apparently believed that you can do genocide in public view and have half the world still openly support you.
They very much realize they are the baddies. They are raised that they are untouchable and to not give a shit about anything else. They are trained to celebrate snd flaunt - it is a psycological way of pushing through the natural red flags your psyche would put up. Trained to enjoy doing it and ignoring your humanity. Trained these people and culture are inhuman savages. Then they train our cops to treat our own citizens this way.
sorry but
no link (as far as I can tell this is an israeli source)
it’s a manual link (you have to type it yourself)
At least they are taking the photographic evidence for their own prosecution, hopefully…
Savonarola was a nazi confirmed lmao
i mean, if some people doing something horrible, it doesn’t mean you have to attribute them to other horrible people. Also, calling anyone except the actual nazists a nazi is unoriginal af. Dunno, call them zionists or something, so they will be remembered as its’ own horrible thing. Not to mention that the “nacional socialism” is a stupid name by itself.
coward shit
uhmmm actually its only naziism if it comes from the fartdorf region of germany
rather, it’s nazism only if you burn the “inferrior” “races” you don’t like bc you’re “an aryan gigachad”.
Calling people nazis, (or faschists bc you’re illiterate and think this two things are the same) is tacky and is kinda the same as calling all people you don’t like with one exact word, because someone told you that this word is the most insulting one. And it won’t even work, because everyone nowadays claims their political opponents as nazis, so people have been desensitized towards it. Think of something less no-brained finally.
it’s nazism only if you burn the “inferrior” “races” you don’t like bc you’re “an aryan gigachad”.
the only thing Israel is not doing in this prescription is referring to themselves as ‘aryans’. the application of labels specific to racial hatred and genocidal intent are applied to israel because it accurately describes what they are doing. genocide. fuck off with this concern trolling horseshit
They are ideologically charged, indeed, yet, they also lack ambition and their grand delusional racial theory (tho i bet some they actually have). Where’s the “drang nach osten”, where’s “we shall use all the inferrior races as our slaves” where’s the one “race” they think of like a “human-looking parasites, world will thank us for their extermination”? Nah, in terms of being delusional phychos with supperiority complex they are just some puppies compared to hitler’s Germany. It’s just yet another fighting for resources, masked by politicians as ideological one, because it’s always easier to command an ideologically-charged army. All the same shitheads thirsty for power, sending their fellow citizens to the war, so they would fetch some recources for them. All the same shitheads that we were unlucky to have in Ukraine and Russia. Sometimes i think it would’ve been better for us to get rid of such constructs as “nation” and “state” at all. It would’ve been great if the situations such as ones in the aformentioned states where impossible to end up in in the first place…
And now i’m sad. Why do i even discuss politic matters?.. Depressing pile of hot garbage that topic is.
deeply unserious, all of these things are demonstrated, have been demonstrated 1,000 times. you have not investigated this beyond your oh-so-highminded aphorisms about politics: “just yet another fighting for resources” “all the same shitheads”. you have no right to speak.
And now i’m sad. Why do i even discuss politic matters?..
read a fucking book you spoiled child
shut the fuck up you insufferable lib
continue to think of people as descrete polarities with no inbetween, makes your brain all nice and smooth~
Also, the fact that americans can’t comprehend the existence of a political nomenclature different from the american one still astounds me. I guess the european one could’ve been one of Lovecraft’s eldritch gods for you: ungodly unimaginable entity, that exists in the outer world and which was made of primodial chaos in the time before time itself.