friends, I went to see this motherfucker perform this album live on tour.
People say the only regrets in life are things you don’t do… Then there’s this.
Now go have a look at Chet Hanks (the spawn of Tim Hanks) many interviews in a Patois accent.
I don’t even know how I feel about things like this either. On the one hand it’s pretty cringe, but on the other can you imagine growing up with Tom Hanks as your dad, it’s a tough act to follow and it must be hard to find yourself.
Well, his other son seems to be doing fine
Is that you making some kind of point?
Nature and nurture I guess.
My siblings and I couldn’t be more different and we all came from the same place. Like we differ in every metric you could conceive of.
Whoa. How many toes do they have?
More than me, my parents had a strange kind of capital punishment. /s
I realize it’s a fraction of a fraction of a cent we’re talking about, but just on principle, is there a way to listen to this that doesn’t end up in the pool of money that goes to Sagal?
Spotify doesn’t count it as a steam if you turn it off before 30 seconds
Good to know. Thanks!