Admits? Acknowledging that destroying capitalism is key to addressing the climate catastrophe is like admitting the sky is blue (or orange and smoky, as the case may be).
It would be real weird if she did not conclude this
Agreed! And at least one young public figure says it.
Most people don’t want to face the truth of the propaganda in front of them. It is easy to believe what your state wants you to believe. or keep you in a box to talk about anything other than capitalism.
I’m sorry to use such harsh language, but anyone who doesn’t understand that the world cannot be saved under capitalism is a few eggs short of a dozen.
I want people to have a good think and realize what’s the end game in capitalism. Each generation, more wealth and resources are hoarded by the most rich and powerful, and lower classes are left with less and less.
the contradictions of capitalism will be the end of itself, however we are now in a race with climate change, so we may end up in perishing in mass by unlivable wet bulb temperatures.
the water wars will be interesting though.
ipcc report ftw.
Especially once you consider the IPCC reports are often criticized for being out of date by the time of their release/conservative in their predictions. The bottom line is you’re right and we’ll hit wet bulb temps of like 120 fahrenheit before the people in power ever consider putting something besides their bank accounts at the top of their priorities. It makes it interesting, though, for sure, considering the people most resistant to change have the least need for any further accumulation of wealth: it’s basically just a game to them.
The water wars are going to be awesome…considering the percentage of freshwater on this planet that we’ve polluted to the point where it’s dangerous to drink…? It’ll be a wild time.
Well she’s not wrong…
Good for her. She finally grew up and saw reality.
comrade, she is just aoc for zoomers
AOC is AOC for zoomers, Greta doesn’t have any power and there’s still some hope for her.
She just supported people that blown up Nordstream, Kakhovka dam (and a lot of other things), shelled nuclear plant, started and maintain that war and use depleted uranium shells. I would say that even from a strictly ecological point of view she fucked up incredibly.
She’s supporting the Ukrainians tho.
Are you actually saying that they did all this to themselves? That’s what the Russian state has been saying without credible proof.
Edit: I’d like to see where you got your info.
You’re right, it makes much more sense that Russia would destroy their own pipeline which took 10 years to build so that Europe would buy US gas instead. And it makes perfect sense that Russia would destroy a dam they control and flood the defenses they had spent a whole year building, especially considering the Ukrainian counter offensive didn’t pan out and most of their soldiers died before ever seeing the fortifications.
There’s no proof of that either, but as a good citizen, I believe everything my government tells me. They have my own personal best interests at heart, after all. Especially when they turn away refugees and let them drown in the Mediterranean, I don’t know how but I’m sure it protects me.
Maybe they did the pipeline, but none of that other stuff.
Either way you haven’t actually showed me where you got any of this info.
I used my brain, which unfortunately seems to be becoming a rarer resource.
Where’s your evidence for saying Russia blew up the dam they controlled?
To themselves??? None of those were theirs.
Nordstream is Russian-German, not Ukrainian. Sabotaged obviously by USA, though USA claim Ukraine did it. <- note this shit, how they are wriggling themselves as pretzels and Greta is standing between them, supporting both possible perpetrators of that huge multitiered ecological catastrophe.
Kakhovka dam is on territory annexed by Russia and is very important strategic asset for Russia since it protects mainly Russian side and supplies Crimea with water, which is huge problem and was one of the main reasons Russians taken it. Also Ukraine previously already attacked it and they were freely admitting to WaPo they have a plan to blowing it. Also it wouldn’t be even first dam blown up by them.
Power plant is also occupied by Russians which had to shut it down because Ukraine was shelling it. Unless you believe the UA info that Russian artilery shelled literally themselves.
Uranium shells are supplied to Ukraine by UK. They will use it in Ukraine, so i guess this is what they do to themselves, it’s their kids who gonna be born with plethora of problems. Alternatively, they might bombard Donetsk with it i guess, they are under no illusion this city is theirs and they are routineley showering civilian objests and infrastructure there with cluster mines, and other supposedly rare munitions (weird how they beg around the world for it and then use it on pointless attacks on civilians).
it seem it is you who argue that Russia don’t even need an enemy because for some reason they keep attacking and sabotaging themselves all the time.
What I’m hearing is a tonne of supposition without backed up facts and hard reporting.
I would love to see a link to a news story covering the evidence. Otherwise this sounds like a social media consensus built in a speculation-echo-chamber.
It’s funny you talk about speculation, because right now there are people in Washington making a ton of money when the government sells or gives equipment to Ukraine to prolong this war.
HAHAHAHA now that’s fucking rich of you, coming here from the imperialist social media consensus.
But ok, i will humor you, though note that one sealion got banned already in this thread.
Power plant, here, here, here
Donetsk bombings plenty here
Uranium shells effects are pretty obviously researched in Iraq and Serbia, about howm seding it to Ukraine here and here. They are even bragging about it ffs.
I’m learning that “speculation echo chamber” is exactly what this instance is. Although “Russian propaganda repeater” might be more accurate as they don’t invent these narratives on their own.
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I love how some people hold her to much higher standards than the politicians they vote for.
I hope she has a good future. This is a good citizen of this world, something we lack dearly.
Thank you!
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Hi, Putler troll.
Her body language in the pictures told a story of discomfort in my eyes. I would like to believe that she realised what a mistake she’d made when she met him.
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The only liberation Russia is doing in Ukrain is the liberation of Ukrainians and Russians by removing life from them.
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Man, this comment section is something
I think the “late stage capitalism” subreddit was lib friendly, so they see this one and behave the way they did there.
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well, shes not wrong.
She’s not wrong, but I feel its the wrong decision and statement to make.
I’m used to everything pro-Ukraine on this instance being downvoted to hell. Everyone who supports Russia is being downvoted instead. What is going on?
Must have showed up on a bunch of people from other instances’ “all” feeds.
Lot of Nazi fans popping in from other instances I guess.
There’s a lot of accounts coming from Mastodon, I fear that the same will happens with the new Meta’s shit
Don’t worry about Meta. Our instance will preemptively block Threads.
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Or your echo chamber is leaking
Post Hog.
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I can confirm it was all over lemmygrad a week ago.
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Confronting truth. Let’s downvote…
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Oh look, uncited shit
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Greta: Capitalism is to blame
Also Greta: meets up with volodymyr zelenśkyjRussia is not the alternative to capitalism, they are part of it.
But there is something worse than capitalism: imperialism
I don’t get it
Well, what do you think about Zelenśkyj?
I like him. Am I not supposed to or something?
No, actually.
- He is holding political prisoners (Kononovyč brothers)
- He has banned multiple opposition parties
- He is continuing the Majdanite ban on the KPU and communist symbols.
- He suspended elections “until the war is over” and also stated “the war won’t be over until he takes Krym” Krym is rather deep in Russia’s territory by now and Zelenśkyj has trouble with Donbass let alone Krym. This boils down to “Zelenśkyj suspended elections indefinitely.” The Majdan regime is a literal fascist regime, attacking Russians and communists. (I’m not saying to support Russia either, although a lot of people on LG would say to support Russia) is literally a sea lion.
I don’t think that’s a coincidence
Suspending elections until war is over is encoded in their constitution.
That does not make it better in any way.
Maybe take it up with the people who wrote the constitution.
ad 1: You already know what would happen to Ukrainian spies in Russia. They can thank their lucky stars for still being alive and held in a country with actual morals. ad 2: You already know what would’ve happened to pro-Ukrainian parties in Russia long before 2014. ad 3: All the while Putler is trying to take his country back to that “romantic” era. Seems to me like what’s good for Putler can’t possibly be good for his sworn enemies. ad 4: That’s how fucking martial law works.
Seriously what do you expect national policy to look like when you’re being invaded? Just let others spy on you, meddle with your national politics in parliament, weaken your resolve? When war starts shit gets fucking real really fucking quick. Putler has declared Ukrainians sub-humans, inferior to the “actual Russian/Slav”, he is abducting their children. This is genocide and it’s just mindboggling how people in actual free countries manage to twist the narrative into such directions like “Ukraine should just sue for a ceasefire”.
Especially you with your Black-Red-and-Gold profile picture should know how well suing for peace worked with Hitler. Dictators just take what they can until they are dictators no more. Putin will take whatever he possibly can for as long as there is still a breath left in his body. He will rebuild his military, no matter how long it takes, he will model Russia’s economy after North Korea’s and you already know he absolutely will be back for more of the same.
Putler this, putler that, put some sense into your brain bro lmao. You’re just using buzzwords you see in the media, it’s incredible that you own a brain but seem incapable of using it.
Putler this, putler that, put some sense into your brain bro lmao.
Bold of you to assume they have a brain
Why does he have so much support from NATO countries considering these points?
Look who’s just figuring out that nato is just rebranded imperialism
I’m not arguing, I’m just honestly asking questions. Why is NATO imperialistic? From my perspective, they are trying to help an independent country defend itself from people who are trying to take it from them by force.
Because NATO is not “pro-democracy”. Portugal under the Salazar regime was one of the founders of NATO.
I’m not even anti-NATO or anti-Selensky, but man this is naive. NATO is a political tool like any other organisations funded by nations.
If their communists are anything like the swedish ones they are just “tankies”. They’ll love russia and china with the reasoning that they are “not usa” and therefore automatically good. This has been a huge issue for the european “far”-left for ages.
Most of what you listed is just attributably to being at war. Elections are impossible to hold during war and the crimea-thing is just posturing at this point which mean very little.
Yes it’s such an issue for the European left to have people with principles, who are right all the time and can think beyond elections to enact change.
Don’t make me laugh, social Democrats would sooner vote with the far right to prevent the actual left from winning elections.
Since I am a Swedish communist and know plenty of them, I feel it might fall on me to say that you are just being ignorant and judgmental. There has been a fair share of naivety in the ranks of the left wing parties in Sweden, but that was much more notable during the 1970’s than it is today. I don’t know any communist or socialist in Sweden that argues in such simplistic terms like “not USA is automatically good”, that’s just an insane claim to make. And while we’re at it, most of the western world seem to agree that “not-Russia is automatically good” with all the head-in-the-sand shit the west is pulling over Ukraine. I believe you are touting prejudice against communists, like so many before you have done. It doesn’t do anyone any good.
I agree that it had changed to the better in the last 15 years or so. It’s still an issue elsewhere though.
Elections are impossible to hold during war.
Historically, no.
and the crimea-thing is just posturing at this point which mean very little.
You should go in the middle of Kiev and shout this. Pretty soon, some armed thugs will pull up, strip you, beat you up, throw green paint on you then tie you on a street lamp and piss on you. It’s not posturing.
These supposed consequences are nothing more than stochastic threatening from you.
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I don’t care about him so… I’m more concerned about the families of my friends who live there.
Well, what do you think about Zelenśkyj?
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I’m glad she came to this conclusion, but her actions after that statement don’t seem to go too hand in hand.
What actions?
Anti-Russian/pro-Ukraine stuff
Ahh, so she’s mentally competent then?
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? Russia is capitalist, engaging in imperialism, and committing genocide.
Capitalist? Yes
Imperialist? No
Genocide? No credible evidence for that, Ukrainian propaganda is the only source. The same source also claimed that the seperatists were shelling themselves for years, Russia was shelling its own positions at a nuclear plant, and the russian army being able to teleport.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a proxy war between NATO and Russia and both are to be condemned, as many communist parties recognised from the start:
However, Russia is (was?) a minor imperialist in the economic sense. They export capital to România, Bulgaria, former USSR countries, etc. and extract super-profits. In terms of economic scale, the same kind of imperialism Italy or Hungary engage in. After the sanctions, perhaps less so.
How are those cluster munitions going?
I’m also honestly confused as to why anyone would be pro-Russian
So basically NATO has been expanding its way eastward since its foundation (despite promises not to) and has now butted up against Russia. Russia wants Ukraine to not join, but the US disagrees so here we are.
Btw this war doesn’t have much to do with Putin or Zelensky, really. Replace the head of state for either country and you’d still end up with the same conflict. And people have been writing about this for decades now, Brzezinski in particular basically plotted out the US policies that led us here.
How do you justify invading a sovereign nation?
TL;DR because they got couped and are having a civil war right next to your border, are ignoring political attempts to resolve their issues, and want to join a military alliance that is an extreme threat to your national security
Ukraine has been in civil war since 2014 and hasn’t respected either of the ceasefires that it signed onto (Minsk protocols). The fight was broadly started over whether Ukraine should align itself with Europe & America or Russia. Since then, the country has been couped by the US and has been persecuting and killing Ukrainians who support Russia and/or protest the new government.
There’s also how Ukraine wants to join NATO, which would certainly mean that the US would station nukes right next to Moscow. Remember the Cuban missile crisis? This is basically the same thing but with even closer territories.
I’m not certain that Russia entering the war was the best move, but I’m also confident that US interference would never stop peacefully. I’m also certain that if it were a western country in a similar position, our media would be framing it as an intervention instead of an invasion. Keep in mind that Russia and Ukraine are separate countries in the first place because of US meddling and they’ve only been apart for ~30 years (many Russians have friends and family who died in the civil war prior to 2023).
No need for me to justify it, NATO already did back in the 90s - Responsibility to Protect. They used this argument to invade Serbia and create Kosovo. Russia now is using this as precedent case to protect the russian speaking minority in Ukraine.
Some of us were born before 2000.
I wouldn’t call Ukraine sovereign, and I wouldn’t call it a nation either. Ukrainians sure, they got their own republic in the Soviet union even though they proclaimed their nationhood quite late (around the time of WW2), but Ukraine today is more than half Russian speakers.
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I’m not really surprised that A LOT of people got fooled by the most intensive propaganda campaign in human history.
You’re on a tankie instance. They hate everyone.
It’s true I wake up in the morning and yell at the clouds. Then I yell at my neighbour. I hate everyone so much gosh I can’t wait for more dead Russians – wait no I got my script confused with Nafo
No we hate western imperialists. More than 4/5th of the world is non-western people.
And, as westerners don’t see nonwesterners as human, us hating the west must seem to them as if we hated all “humans”
I also don’t hate non-imperialist westerners. But in the mind of the imperialist, non-imperialist westerners don’t exist.
I do not hate many, however I do tend to hold great disdain for people with their heads so far up their own narcissistic asses that they utterly fail to recognize the humanity in others.
Especially glowing types like yourself, instigator.
As a Polish person I have only unrelenting hatred for Nazis. As a communist I have only unrelenting love for the proletariat and hate for the bourgeoisie.
Realize the root of our biggest problems is inherent to the capitalist system we created and live in [speedrun - any%]
Schellenberger is such a clueless opportunist that he can’t possibly understand. It’s incredibly ironic when you look at the various things he’s argued for in the past as well.
watch out. the comment section is complete filth
You weren’t lying about the comment section, sheesh.
Generally the people that do comment under articles aren’t very good people, don’t forget those that just, you know, don’t.
It’s usually people that don’t understand what’s going on or take things out of context or just plain want to hate that comment on articles. Oh, and trolls.
This article is over 8 months old.
I’d like to kindly remind people that Social Media and News Literacy do not go hand in hand.
Please don’t get your news from Social Media. Find journalistic institutions that you can assess as credible, and get your news that way.
The other way lies doomscrolling and conspiracy theories.
Show and prove; that’s all I have to say about that.
Exactly, she said one thing, did the opposite. Btw i think i seen the that tweet from OP few months ago, so we already know.
She reminds me of my favorite Cameo song. Talkin’ out the side of her neck.