Now “Burgerbrain” means the same thing as “Comrade”
This would be so funny
Vaguely related, but I saw the menu of a KFC when I visited China and they had this “chicken taco” that was a giant breaded chicken patty shaped like a taco shell and filled with taco ingredients. It was pretty out of control and Xi should put a stop to that sort of thing.
Oh yeah we have that in Poland too.
Shit fuckin sucks, Xi ought to do better.
Chinese KFC was really good before but now its fallen off (the big crunch equivalent is now this tiny rectangle, the chicken isn’t as cripsy, and it kinda just tastes like salt) and domestic chains like Tasiting (sort of like if you made a burger but it was actually a fried chicken roujiamo) are really putting pressure on it. Honestly this might be a good thing if it means KFC in China sucks less, its super nostalgic because as a kid it was the “fancy western restaurant” for occasional treats.
I will tell you that is the strategy for fast food everywhere. Have a really good year or five (if you can afford it) of really good food, then cut the quality to the floor for as long and as low as you can.
China’s food is too good to let these shitty western corporations feed people slop. President Xi please press the nationalization button
I was there about 20 years ago, and it was straight up incredible. Probably the best fried chicken I’ve had to this day. Bummer that it’s fallen off, but hopefully the government takes it over and MCGA.
I watched Paul Jay’s Reality Asserts Itself series of interviews with Finkelstein, and they talked about Finkelstein’s die hard Maoist youth, with a funny episode about cops going to Finkelstein’s house and seeing a bunch of Maoist posters in his room, his mom quickly told the police that Finkelstein liked Chinese people lol. After the death of Mao, the arrest of the Gang of Four, and Deng’s reforms, Finkelstein drifted away from Maoism and pretty much Leninism. One of his profs (maybe a lib I don’t remember) told Finkelstein that there will be a McDonald’s in China soon when Deng opened up. Now if China nationalizes McD’s, is that the CPC’s turn back towards Socialism? lol
I had a mini scare cause I read the title and thought it was a Gorbachev thing.
I want to believe but I don’t see confirmation anywhere and pamphlets is a patsoc rag.
Patsoc… divvint remembered that from him?
Same. Granted, I haven’t seen one of his agitprop videos in over a year.
Do you guys even bother to distinguish between the guys talking about how MLK Jr. talked about American ideals and the guys who say baristas are the labor aristocracy lol? Because I see a lot of people using patsoc and maga communist interchangeably.
Is Jill Stein a maga communist because she talked about how he was initially treated as a threat to the dem/GOP duopoly? Some of these people are just trying to work with the American that exists today rather than fantasizing about literally destroying it physically
Because I see a lot of people using patsoc and maga communist interchangeably
Why should anyone care about distinguishing patsocs and MAGA “communists”? At the end of day they’re all right-deviationist reactionaries.
if you’re using the words patsoc or magacom to describe yourself, your just a fascist. just call yourself demsoc, or socdem if you still want to work within the system.
Le epil see see pee committing the dastardly crime of IP violation yet again!
Under the terms of the deal, Citic Ltd. and its investment management unit Citic Capital will acquire 52 percent of the business while another partner, Washington-based private equity firm The Carlyle Group, will own 28 percent. McDonald’s will retain a 20 percent stake.
Citic is a SOE.
This is a McDonalds Peace Theory I can get behind.
So McDonald’s here are doing away with free refills and may be nationalized in China. 🤔
This is seriously great agitprop stuff for us.
Definitely getting a world war with this one
Good, next shut them down so at least one country will have less animal murder slop.
if you think the chinese are gonna stop eating meat, much less over 2 shitty American chains being nationalized, i’ve got bad news for you
China has recently made positive strides on a number of issues like LGBTQ rights, so there’s no reason not to hope they can also start moving in the correct direction when it comes to phasing out animal cruelty and meat consumption as well, as they continue to economically surpass the reactionary west. Their dedication to addressing climate change will also at some point demand the recognition that using animals as a major source of food is unsustainable.
Nationalize the tendies!
13 herbs and spices for the people