Except french. Even cursing sounds romantic in french.
Don’t recommend cursing in german. You always sound like you want to set your opponent on fire.
Username checks out
Du Tölpel
Selber Vogel, du Amsel.
Verzeiht, werte Herren, mein Argument bleibt bestehen. Sehet euch die linguistische Wandlung unserer holden Sprache nur einmal an.
Oida wos? Waunnst du amoi so an Scheiß daherredst, beiß i da dein Schädl o und scheiß da in Hois!
Verfickter fickscheiß hier, wer acht so eine Kacke!? Ü
Ta gueule, espèce d’enfoiré <3
Depends on what side of the ocean you are! Québec French swearing doesn’t sound romantic at all, but it’s almost a language of its own! A classic of Quebec cinema:https://youtu.be/KUGW0jszPzo
Heast, du schiacha Wappler, Oida.
Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn
Godverdeklere, spreek Nederlands jij kankermongool!
My native language is close to Dutch and while I don’t understand exactly what you just said, it sounds funny as hell.
If people would like a translation:
- Godverdeklere
A bastardisation which pulls “klere”/“kolere” - cholera - into “godverdomme” - god damn me. Definitely profane
- spreek Nederlands
Literally: speak Dutch. Not profane, though if someone does say it to you unprovoked, they’re probably racist.
- jij kankermongool
you cancer-mongol. Mongol in Dutch mostly is an insult to people who have Down Syndrome, not people from Mongolia. Definitely profane.
Bleib mit dem doch bitte in ich_iel. Das nervt so sehr.
Bei dem was du so hier unter das Meme kommentiert hast wird das nur ein Wunsch bleiben 🤡
Verstehe nicht was du meinst.
“Me cago en el olivo que dio las aceitunas que hicieron el aceite que lubrica las bisagras del ataúd de tus muertos”
“I shit on the olive that gave the olives which made the oil lubricating the hinges of the coffins of your dead (relatives)”
Holy shit this is some cursing
Most Norwegians just repeat a lot of synonyms for the devil and hell and burning:
Faen steike til helvetes forbannade jævelskap.
But there are more creative cursers, of course. Good cursing is an art.
In Dutch we curse and insult with diseases. For example “kankerzooi” = “cancerous mess” and “tyfuslijer” = “typhoid sufferer”. That first one is a bit frowned upon, but using “kanker” is becoming more common. There’s an established word “kankeren” which means “to grumble”, though.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that this meme works very well for Dutch
Some more examples:
- Teringlijer = tuberculosis sufferer
- Pestpokken = something with the plague and pox
- Krijg de kolere = get cholera
- Zich de tyfus werken = literally “to work so hard you get typhoid” (wtf), but really just “to work very hard”
Funny one also is “kut” which means “vagina” and is used in the same way as cursing with “shit”. Also, something like “kanker” (cancer) can be used in a positive way to emphasize something, like “kankerlekker” meaning “extremely good tasting” (although still frowned upon by most people)
Actually, just read the Wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_profanity
Fuck you you fucking fuck, I shat my pants because of your bloody damn post.
Best regards from France.
I’ll try one from my country.
“Bordel à cul de pompe à merde !”
Fucking ass shit pump!
I love you
This comment is a fuckin ride
Your one sounds like a fancy dish
For those of you who are multilingual from birth, do you have a preference?
Chilean Spanish is way better than English for cursing.
In Spanish you have https://eslemmy.es/
https://feddit.cl is about chile in specific.
Estoy apuntada en https://eslemmy.es/ pero no sé cómo interactuar con https://feddit.cl He empezado hace poco a usar Lemmy y estoy aprendiendo -
España y Chile firman tres acuerdos en materia de ciberseguridad y cultura: https://eslemmy.es/post/96080tienes que buscar:
Not strictly, though Dutch does offer a few other fun subjects for your profanity.
Dutch profanity is fitting as much illnesses in a sentence as possible, with a few racistic remarks.
Lmao yes Hindi curses just sound much more aggressive than fucks or assholes
I’m natively bilingual. It depends what language I’m speaking and if I want someone to understand or not.
Pretty much depends on who I’m cursing at lol
Always curse at the person in the opposite language they speak. If they know both, sign language
Over here many people are native in sign language cursing. There’s the word with the middle finger, the one with the index finger against the temple, the raised fist, the flat hand moving from throat to chin, the index finger across the chin and so on.
My mom’s husband knows he f*cked up big time when she starts cursing in Spanish instead of English.
Only true spaniards will understand
can anyone tell me where “reach your hand up my arse and jerk off my shit” came from? fuckin masterpiece i use it all the time
Jou ma se poes, man!
Fokof polisiekar, fok jou! Poes off polisieman! Van my gunsteling lyrics in Afrikaans
Liewe fok. Nie gedink ek gaan julle lot hier sien nie.
¡Te cabron!
I’ll just leave this here https://app.memrise.com/course/1476694/lang-belta-belter-creole-phrasebook/8/
'Sa kang gagong inutil na tarantadong anak ng puta.
Some others can try better.
American English maybe, some parts of the uk and Irish do sound very aggressive