That’s Ohio Valley style for you. We’ve got a place here in Akron called DiCarlo’s, which originated in Steubenville and has other locations in Pittsburgh and in Wheeling, WV, and was where the style was invented. The crust and sauce are baked first, then the rest of the toppings go on so the cheese is only beginning to melt when it’s served. It’s fine I guess, whatever, but definitely not my first choice (go go Detroit style)
That pizza is half eaten and the cheese still looks frozen.
Ain’t no fucking way that’s beginning to melt when it was served.
This is without a doubt the worst pizza I have ever seen. At first I thought whoever took this picture was too drunk to cook a frozen pizza. Then I saw the comments saying its “ohio valley style” and I thought it was making fun of ohio and I was about say that ohio doesn’t deserve that. But no its real. what the fuck?
The lunch lady at my elementary school wouldn’t serve that
She at least cooked her rectangular abomination. This is like the cookie dough version of pizza but unlike cookie dough tastes like disappointment.
It looks like someone just simply made a larger scaled lunchable pizza!
Thats exactly what it tasted like lol. A shitty lunchable
I thought the exact same thing!
Do you need to cook it yourself
Ohio Valley style pizza… they cook the crust and sauce and then put the cheese and toppings on.
It’s as bad as it sounds.
Omg I thought this was a joke but…
Some DiCarlo’s pizza shops in the valley cook the pepperoni and at least some of the cheese on there. I think this style is great when done right. Or maybe that’s just nostalgia talking
but… why…
Pittsburgh is not the Midwest, it’s literally in a coastal state. Lmao
Yes Pennsylvania is a coastal state. Pittsburg is not a coastal city.