Runs on an 10 year old Toshiba mini NB505 Netbook
And if your computer can’t even handle that, there’s always Tiny Core.
My 25 year old PII with 192MB of RAM is surprisingly responsive with TCL.
Oooh, I have an old Vaio PictureBook Id like to eventually revive. Currently it’s running a very old Mandrake from that time (with KDE). Not sure if I can fit something more modern on it.
Tried it on an Asus eeePC after an SSD swap, nice and kind of fun to use distro.
I used antix on my laptop. Very nice actually.
I have been playing around a bit with both Antix and Damn Small Linux 2 that is based on it. I have been quite impressed.
First, it is really just Debian curated to be light-weight. You have full access to all the Debian repositories.
The 32 bit versions also work great. I booted to a fully working desktop on a 32 bit system and only 84 MB of RAM was being used. On top of that I ran Firefox, LibreOffice, Scribis, GIMP, and I think other things and was still around 900 MB. It would be amazing on ancient hardware.
My favorite trick to reviving old computers is trying to find ways to get them to run off of solid state storage. It really makes a huge difference. You will be surprised by how much more tolerable classic computers are when you no longer have to deal with slow storage mediums.
Mind you this doesn’t make them modern levels of fast and you no longer get the satisfaction of hearing the hard drive grinding away when you open a window but thems the tradeoffs…sigh…
Is it pronounced “antics” or “antiques”?
Everyone I’ve heard mention it pronounces it as antics so I guess that’s the right one
Just wondering because “antiques” seems fitting given the target hardware.
Searched but can’t find it in their FAQs :) They work together with MX Linux, so personally I’d go for Anti Ex and Em Ex Linnuks.
This was my entry into Linux, and love it so far. My Windows 7 computer has generally been so snappy. Even without an SSD and only 4G in RAM it starts faster than my Windows 11, 32GB, i7 laptop.
If it runs Windows 7 snappily, it’ll probably run Linux systems with XFCE or even Cinnamon perfectly well, too.