Did they remove ass from the screenshot lmao
Oh no swearing on the internet we must censor .
It never made any sense to me that ass is a swear word. It means either a body part or a donkey, neither of which are particularly offensive unless the donkey is performing conservative stand-up comedy.
Aren’t most swear words have a normal meaning just swearified? Like: poo - shit
Don’t worry I’ll add it back when I send it to my meme chats
Blink-182 said it best;
“Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat”
Moving words to be sure
ratshit batshit dirty old twat
69 assholes tied in a knot
hooray lizardshit, FUCK
A swear word? On the internet?! Scandalous!
There are 48 in Europe of those tripoints, seven of them with Germany.
The one with Belgium and the Netherlands has a park around it with a large maze, a watchtower and playgrounds.
I just noticed the map at the end is missing the tripoint Italy-Slovenia-Austria
The American mind cannot even comprehend a border between 3 countries being so open.
Hey we’ve got Four Corners!
Isn’t that between 4 states though? Rather than 4 countries lol still super cool though
Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll come up with tight immigration between states eventually
Just speed run getting a felony, grab a kid and run around 4 corners to get the kidnapping over state lines achievement.
Yeah, but relatively large states with a combined population of nearly 20m.
It’s the Google map travel distance thing all over again
The relationship between states in the EU is not very different from the relationship between US States under the Articles of Confederation. It’s not a big a distinction as you think.
Sure, but Norway is not in the EU ;)
Yet. They’re already in the Schengen Area, no?
They will probably never join. Iirc there was a referendum once and they are quite happy with their arrangement.
Norway is part of Schengen and the European economic area.
Which is on an indian reservation, and requires an entrance fee to go look at it.
Is that new? I definitely didn’t pay to go to it- a little over 10 years ago
I went through there last summer. It was a total tourist trap.
Yeah honestly. I know we (USA), do any number of things In a screwed up way, but it’s also what I’m used to. There’s NO border control anywhere around there? Seems weird to me.
When I was in Germany in 2022, I traveled freely around Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Czechia. I only got asked for my Passport in Switzerland, and then at the airports. Otherwise, no, you’d just be driving or on a train and the signs would change to French suddenly.
I loved it. I wish we fucking would relax our shit in the US. It was hella neat.
Do you have border control between states? It’s basically the same thing with schengen. No control between countries on the “inside”, but rigorous control to get in.
Why would there be? All three countries are in the Schengen area.
Stop censoring screenshots.
Take it up with ooooop.jpg
do your duty and add it back
three nations did not want to lose their soverign rights to equal thirds of this small lake. what is in the lake.
Water, probably.
I’d say maybe some kind of life forms too
And some rocks
They should put some strange women distributing swords, as a basis for their system of government.
A moist bint lobbing scimitars at people in the middle of jänkhä? Sign me up.
The lake is actually ~99% on Norwegian territory, it’s just a tiny edge on the end that’s given to Sweden and Finland. We once tried to give Finland a mountain peak though (for their 100th anniversary of independence from Russia), but the constitution states the kingdom is indivisible so the legal work was deemed too much. It would have been their highest peak if it went through.
Nothing is out there! All there is is a lake and birds and fish. … And a wooden walkway. … And a big ass cement block. But there’s nothing else there. It’s a complete void. The environment is perfectly safe!
And the front that fell off.
Just made for a good border-point, really.
This is all imagined though as I refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Finland and Norway - long live the Great Swedish Empire
If you slip, fall and hit your head and loose conciousness during that, in a way such that you are lying exactly on the border between two or three nations, to which hospital will you be brought? And how are insurances going to deal with this?
Seems like a non-issue to me. You’ll go to whichever hospital is closest. If you’re resident in one of the countries you’ll be in EU/EEA and get the usual healthcare for residents of whichever country the hospital is in, if you’re non-EU it’ll depend on what travel insurance you have.
eh it’s not like they’re going to change what care they give you just because you don’t have insurance, it’ll just affect what happens afterwards.
No worries, any of these three countries will take you without quibbling over who pays what.
This is what is possible when humans put aside our differences and work together!
They really did!
Humans are weird. (And delightful!)
Shout out to the four corners in the Navajo nation. The world’s most geographicaly exciting empty field!
From which side can you access it? Which nation owns the corner?
exact point is probably empty. so much of matter is just empty space.
pretty sure it’s co-owned, and it seems to be accessed from the finnish side because that’s where the solid ground is, though you have to pass through the swedish or norwegian border to get there.
So in essence: Finland’s corner!
Isn’t it supposed to be a pile of rocks there? (Treriksröset) Or is it this block that is that’s named Treriksröset? But a “röse” is supposed to be a like of rocks?
Cement is kind of a big pile of rocks if you think about it. And yes, that is Treriksröset.
Yes, this is how Treriksröset looks nowadays, someone decided to put a big-ass clump of concrete there.