I actually met Benoit Mandelbrot when I was an intern at IBM’s T. J. Watson research center in the late '80s. I was randomly walking around the building and passed by a tiny office with “B. Mandelbrot” on the door. I stuck my head in, saw an old bald dude sitting there and said “are you the Bernard Mandelbrot?” He said “yes” and I said “oh” and walked on. Apparently he didn’t hear that I said “Bernard” instead of “Benoit”.
What does the ‘B’ in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?
Benoit B. Mandelbrot
‘I’m so meta even this acronym’
Resolution limits
Nonsense. Good gardeners trim to the subatomic level
It would still take a while to edge individual blades of grass
Semi related: There’s a cool rabbit hole you can dive into when it comes to coastline lengths of some countries. Specifically the UK.
Depending on who measured the coastline and with which method the results can be wildly different because there’s always some form of simplification required. See this video for example: Link
Try Canada on for size.
this is a draft, the cartoonist is still working on the third panel
Not a
mathematicianfractologist. Does the boundary have infinite length, or just infinite detail?Yes
It can’t have infinite length without infinite detail if you think about it.
Not in a finite space, no. But it could have infinite detail without infinite length (like the square with corners folded in to approximate a circle).
Mandlebrotwurst. Infinite sausage.
The devil is in the details.
Don’t look closer, or you won’t be able to come out ever again.
Can someone explain pls
This shape is a fractal made from the Mandelbrot set. I guess the joke is that the more you zoom in the edges the more detail there is, so doing them would be an impossibly infinite task. https://mander.xyz/post/8966692More info on the Mandelbrot set here.
This shows the phenomenon pretty well. I like to watch this once in a while to remind myself that I know nothing about anything.
From the mandelbrot boundary wiki: “Images of the Mandelbrot set exhibit an infinitely complicated boundary that reveals progressively ever-finer recursive detail at increasing magnifications”
Thankyou. Even as a concept I find it creepy
https://mandelbrot.site/ Nature is beautiful. :)
Just more turtles all the way down.
It definitelly doesn’t pay to be detail-oriented when doing a fractal lawn…
Pathological monsters!