Still love this baby though
Man, this shit’s kinda wild to me. A hundred years ago, laundry was a whole day, heavy labor affair, at least once a week. Hauling water, mixing and soaking and scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing dumping water, hanging and wringing and drying
Now we have machines ad utilities that do 98% of the job, and it still feels like all I fucking do
Hang on, got another load
I mean, for what it’s worth, I find just quickly chucking your shirt under a running tap (or I guess, a river/lake) and then hanging it up to dry, that can get you 90% there with barely any effort.
Obviously, 100 years ago, many people were working on fields or in mines, where you’d get much dirtier and the scrubbing was genuinely necessary after a few days, but yeah, I feel like we’re mostly overdoing it, just because we’ve got a machine to do it.
I feel like dishes are even worse. I don’t have a dishwasher so I have to do everything by hand. It always seems like I just finished and a new pile magically appears.
Dishes without a dishwasher is so much worse.
That said, I can imagine hand washing all my clothes being pretty awful too.
Mazel tov!
Thank you, friend!
Still beats the alternative though - the smell from not doing it!? 😜
While a baby is more laundry than you are used to, try having 4 teen-aged Daughters in the house.
I swear the washer and drier ran 24/7 from when then oldest hit about 12 years old until the youngest moved out for collage. I went from needing to wash kids clothes to repairing the washers and driers they went through. I even needed to take my own clothes to the laundromat in town 6 miles away so I could have clean clothes more than once…
Buy more clothes - from a used store. Or put out the call on Craigslist.
It’s not worth doing a load every other day.It isn’t about how many clean clothes you have left, it’s about how many clothes are dirty and need washing. I make sure that I have enough of everything to last me a week, if necessary. I used to get away with doing one giant load a week. But since becoming a father, I magically have to do two or three loads a day without exception. It’s impossible to put it off without falling behind.
Fortunately we got a lot of hand-me-downs from friends. The one kicker is no matter what trick I use, the little guy loves to find just the right time to pee on me during the diaper change process
Spare diaper over the penis.
Another trick is timing - don’t change just after they wake up.I used a washcloth, it worked pretty well.
I started watching for when the diaper marks turned blue, then immediately change the diaper right after he peed so I can avoid being used for target practice. ;)
We did cloth diapers. Man, I’ve blasted so much shit outta cloth diapers… but, my kiddo potty trained at 2. So worth it I guess.
That regenerating clean laundry pile on my loveseat just shrinks and grows, but never disappears.
Honestly, I don’t get what’s the big deal. You put clothes into the washing machine - 3 mins; you wait 2-3 hrs while it does all the work; you hang the laundry on a dryer - 10-15 mins.
OMG, so that’s a baby Falkor on my detergent bag! Ha!
Congratulations! We were running laundry non-stop after babby was formed. The spit up, dear God…
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