I love mine and use it almost all the time. Its a Surfans f20 with rockbox native installed. Makes it feel like I’m using my old ipod lol
I see very little reason to use these over a regular smartphone 🤔 but the same is true for watches and people still rock those as well, so you do you! It does look like a nifty gadget.
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Those are all fair points! I guess my priorities are just different, in the sense that I care about the convenience of having to carry just one device in my pocket.
On the topic of audiophiles, does quality really have such a big effect on the enjoyability of a song? Personally I’m perfectly fine with listening to 320kbps or even 256kbps through Bluetooth headphones.
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I’ve always found it interesting that I cannot stand Nine Inch Nails on my BT headphones, but I really enjoy The Downward Spiral on my father’s good studio headphones.
Oh NIN… One of my first albums was Further Down the Spiral. Wow. What a discovery. Mind blown.
Trent Reznor is a peculiar one though. He is opposed to digital music and thinks music should be enjoyed on a CD or vinyl. It wouldn’t surprise me that his work is mastered in a way that favours certain formats.
I’m so happy they still exist. Like many in this community it seems, I enjoy a building a digital music collection and having a player is essential. I use a Cowon Plenue R every day. Plays all file types, great folder management, microSD external storage. It has no features beyond what a music player should do. One of my favorite things. Thanks for this thread
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Fond memories of playing with a GBA emulator on my sansa via rockbox.
A buddy would be listening to music on his Gameboy and I’d be next to him playing Gameboy gamea on my mp3 player. What a time to be alive.
I have the surfans F20 as well. Good sound quality for sure. It is the best in it’s class for that.
I still miss my old iRiver with Rockbox… definitely been thinking about getting a proper PMP again.
I just added the Surfans f20 to my amazon list of things to buy, thanks for bringing the topic to my attention.
I have a Hiby R6, in some ways it’s like having a phone that can’t make calls but also it’s great having a dedicated device for audio.
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I was always curious in these. I would follow sites like anythingbutipod back in the day. Cowon was usually the big one that I always wanted to try. But I could never justify the pricing to play lossless audio and also invest in quality headphones to take advantage.