Most bugs are chill imo, they just want a place to hang and mind their own business. Flies, mosquitos and ticks get exterminated on sight however.
Sadly that big has been removed from it’s home and placed into the wilderness. You’re better off squishing them sadly.
Don’t be ridiculous, I’m feeding the opossums this way, little cuties ❤️
Opossums deserve love and free snacks!
Truly God’s work
What specific reason are you referring to for ending their time on this material plane?
Many bug’s native habitat is actually inside your home, putting them outside is like sending them to die a slow death in Siberia instead
Oh that’s a interesting thought. Thinking they evolved and adapted to live with us. Normally I only associate that with dogs and the like. Never considerd bugs.
The punctuation mistake tells me I can’t do it cruelly, which ruins half the fun when it’s stink bugs involved. Fuck those things.
How so they get in? I’m just minding my business. Having a good time, suddenly, stink bug. At my old house I had a jar with salt I’d capture them in.
I knew a guy that used water bottle with soap. There soo many in the south part of US, like locus.
I kill every bug in my home with the hope that they evolve to fuck off, its just my natural selection
I’m curious your opinion on black widows or other deadly venomous creatures? I’ve had a bunch in my car, house and yard. And I have been recommended just burning it all but I don’t have new anything money.
High percentage alcohols are extremely toxic to all insects and arachnids. 95% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle will have them rapidly dead.
Yellow jackets are fair game as well. Gandalf didn’t give a damn about Uruk-hai, Orc or Balrog.
Did y’all watch the same movie?
He, for sure, tried to stop the balrog from making the biggest mistake of his life. The Balrog just didn’t listen.
I went to relocate a spider outside yesterday like I normally do. Scooped it up in Tupperware and took it outside without much thought.
Only when I released it did I realise it was a redback. Those I usually do murder if I find them in the house, mainly out of concern for my dog. I’m now reconsidering that approach. It was no biggie catching or releasing it (huntsmans are a whole other story… So fast and jumpy) so maybe I’ll do that in future.
Sometimes I feel like an alien because I care for insects and avoid killing them. It’s like no ones else in the world cares for them :(
The opposite, actually, I’m too cowardly to squish a bug.
Was just in New Zealand and the bastard sandflies will just sit there sucking on your blood until you swat them. Things are too stupid to fly away and just get squished.
Except flies and mosquitoes DIE!
I put a moth outside just before seeing this post
Did that with a mouse yesterday ! But I expect she was likely eaten by one of the many neighborhood cats in the following hours.
A rat is expected to live 6 tears in a human house, 1 in the nature… Nature is wild
The circle of life
I’ve got a thriving little eco system of lizards and spiders in my house. Love those guys.
For real! They mind their own business and keep your house clean of the real pests.
I now give bugs to my toad to eat :3
Is that an analogy of Gandalf sending Frodo to Mt Doom?