How about the 3.75 hours essay of the causes of Mario 64 invisible walls?
Currently been watching it in parts!
Get you a friend/partner who is actively excited to learn about niche interests. 🥰
That hit my timeline the other day. The amount of work that has been put into that video must have been insane.
I think I’ve seen the video he’s referring to. It was good background noise for when I explored the underworld in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (took ages!)
Don’t worry, it’ll only take about 10 minutes of actual gameplay to dissuade yourself of such nonsense.
You did it. You convinced me to install it again. I even dreamt about it the other day.
What a shame
In terms of video game essayist, I just want to throw out this criminally underrated creator named Timmm
The production value is, imo, absolutely unmatched. He has fewer than 50k subs and I really don’t care the topic he picks, I’m going to be fully submersed in it.
Wait what video? I would legit watch this, very fond memories as a kid playing Deus Ex after finding it at a thrift shop for $1 the year after it came out.
Hbomberguy has a 3,5 hours one about why Deus ex human revolution is okish and the original great. So spoiler for human revolution, but if you played both it will definitely scratch that itch:
TL;Dr Human Revolution was clearly unfinished and it’s both pretty obvious and fairly disappointing.
The final product is fun, but you can tell it was supposed to be something bigger.
When did YouTube rambles become essays? I’ve seen this a few times now. Dont call them essays! Its just people talking endlessly about things they often know very little about but make it sound convincing.
Its like AI really!
to talk about something for even an hour requires much more than just “i like this thing”, and an analysis of why you like the thing does make the script of a video an essay. It could be a critical essay, it could be an opinion essay, but it’s an essay nonetheless
IMO YouTubers are great at spending hours explaining something that should and could have taken 10 minutes
A 3 hour video on a subject is, in fact, an essay. The presenter, presumably, wrote the essay, and is now reading it out to you and offering it in video or audio format.
IMO many of the longer videos, could have been way shorter, but are made longer just to make them longer