Replace the Ethernet cable with serial cables and it’s perfect
Or at least a 2-wire cable with RJ11s
Did you bring a hub or a switch? Is it just 10 or 10/100? Cause joe still only has a 10 NIC and he will slow us all down…
Eh, 10 is fine for LAN Starcraft, as long as nobody is downloading anything.
The strat on 100 LANs was to gang up on the one person who smoked everyone in the game and start grabbing stuff off their fileshare at the same time.
RJ45-cables are still current tech …
Ancient artifacts created by aliens
That’s my wifi SSID
Mine’s WuTangLAN
Replace the background with the Sierra logo and you’d complete the 80s-90s kid nostalgia.
I really want to send this to the professor at my college who teaches networking
When hubs rule the LAN and CSMA/CD was at its peak.
Woah, what is this background image?