I misread the time and thought it was 4 minutes and 97 seconds. It’s actually 4.97 seconds, WTF?
It’s the first level, it’s incredibly short. Casually it’s easy to complete in <10 seconds. The “par” time is 30 seconds
Here’s the actual run, no fluff: https://youtu.be/Qm9aT2p7KxI
Human obsession can beat itself constantly
23 minute video for 4 seconds xD
Some people enjoy the history behind the record. This video is for them. If you don’t, then it’s not a video targeted to you.
It’s actually more interesting than I first thought. The amount of small steps to lower the time (a different key stroke, a shot from the pistol at the right moment) is insane for a casual player like me.
Snoflake Lemmy mods at it again
I just wanna see the 4 second run without watching some guy talk in a youtube voice for 23 minutes and 56 seconds, is that too much to ask for?
https://lemmy.ca/comment/8661357 there you go.
Holy fucking shit, was that so hard?
This level of entitlement is hilarious. Please go fuck yourself.
For me to happen into the comment section after you, and after someone else had posted the link? No.
Then why do people have to explain tome why they like the video? I never asked that lmao
Why did you have to explain why you didn’t? Lmao
Your loss. The fact that you don’t realise the multiple levels of stupidity needed to think that way shows you probably wouldn’t understand it anyway.
You’d think he would have at least some amount of interest given he clicked the link.
Yeah man, you need 180 IQ to understand the complexities of nerds talking about doom on youtube
OK bud
Seeing as that’s not even close to what their point was, you’re kinda proving them right.