Using the enclosed pipette, siphon off 15ml of the cat’s essence.
I spat out my coffee upon reading this
You shouldn’t do that.
Figure 3
NGL, I can’t think of a funnier response than this.
Figure 1: My current obsession
Figure 2: My friends
it has this vibe
It works best to catch the cat while its asleep, then this is mostly accurate :)
I wish I could upvote this twice.
Just install Linux
Just install
Figure one: knowledge. Figure two: my students.
How to give your uncooperative cat her fucking heroine.
What if the heroine doesn’t want to get got
Manifest v3 implementation plan
For safety reasons, cigarettes should only be given to cats via specialized cigarette-placement device.
How it’s made: Cat foie gras
My morning, every morning for the last 5 years. Not shown is the part where I have to cut her pills into quarters and then fit the pill slice into a gel cap so it doesn’t trigger hyper-salivation on the way down.
This pills the cat.
How to waste good medicine and get nasty scratches in two easy steps
Fig 2: proper use of assisted suicide device.
Dosing cats with lsd
That’s too much LSD for cats.