😑✋ Drake format of this meme
😌👉 LeVar Burton format of this meme
Someone told me that drake was a creep and I instantly believed it because why else would this nobody get a meme format out of nowhere?
I dunno. Lots of dykes in geology.
TIL: mods don’t understand geology jokes.
Good cleavage though
Although I did meet one gneis girl, but she got tired of my schist pretty quickly. I met her on a field trip to study glaciers she was honestly a bit erratic. Anyway, forgive the intrusion.
That’s my hope
dating geology guys < dating stoned guys
But what about the stoned geology guys? the stoned stone lovers, the geology ganjis, the crystal cannabis connoisseurs, the rock lovin rockers, the dabbing dirt collectors?
How I’m trynna be
What’s wrong with geology guys?
Those are those weird pedos, pedologists.
Half of my house is rocks… I inherited them from an 85 year old geologist…Wanna see?
As long as you don’t have any puppies.
Eh, depends. If it’s the around-the-neck kind of crystals, no way. If it’s in a radio circuit, now, that’s a different story.
God damn it, they’re minerals, Marie!
Why is everything purple?
They are just that “down to earth”.
I wish an autistic woman into geology infodumped to me…
Who is dating these women anyway?
That’s cult shit, huge red flag to even casual friendship, much less relationship.