Works for mobile too
I just slack off and anyone who has an issue can fuck off.
I don’t even need that for an endless update or computer locked up scenario. My work-issued laptop has those features built in!
Then collegues says: “Oh there’s a windows update!” and try to do it too but can’t find it.
try to do it too but can’t find it
blame microsoft idk, it’s probably gonna work
“Oh I think I postponed the last one”
I’ve never met a soul eager to update windows
we don’t use windows
just put a fullscreen png of kernel panic lol
* cannot be hold accountable if office is entirely outfitted with MacBooks or Linux devices.
Please tell me it sits at 100% forever!
I don’t know, I never used it “seriously”
Hey boss i couldnt finish that report its been updating for 3 hours now, see?
Sloppypuppy, you have a mac…
Ohh fuck