Am I too millennial to understand WTF this meme is talking about?
House of Leaves. It’s a book that’s been around for a bit, but I believe that it got popular with the zoomers because it was an inspiration for myhouse.wad
I suddenly find myself downloading doom II, cool
Remember: happiness has to be fought for.
I watched a few good playthroughs rather than playing myself, but do yourself a favour and go into it as blind as possible.
Oh heck,
Awesome! Thanks for sharing this.
House of leaves has been sitting on my shelf after I felt that it was really messing with my head.
I’ll be checking the wad out
This is a meme about a scary book called House of Leaves. It’s a book that will make you feel unwell.
Thanks but I don’t need books for that
It’s an abnormaly written allegory for loneliness. Theres a lot going on in the book, but the terror starts when a journalist discovers that his new house is a fraction of an inch bigger on the inside than the outside. After that door leading to a pitch black room just shows up in their house.
It’s a great book. Gave me nightmares.
Why is no one asking about 1/12th of an inch?
It’s a reference to a horror book that starts with a protagonist discovering his house is slightly bigger on the inside. Spooky hijinks ensue, and somewhere along the way you loose your mind reading that book.
10/10 would recommend.
I mean it starts with someone talking about finding a book in the apartment of a dead guy, but
No need to ask, that is simply the length and girth of my micro penis
I don’t know anything about the book in question, but I assumed it was because of the way the hook at the end of tape measures has a little play to it. If it’s a poorly made tape measure that doesn’t account for this properly, you get slightly different measurements by hooking around something versus pushing it against a surface.
(See point #5:
That wiggle is an 1/8". 12ths of an inch aren’t really a thing.
Oh right, fractions of an inch are usually expressed in fractions of powers of two. SI humour went right over my head because I’m used to seeing weird fractions involved in those measurements.
Feet are divided by 12 but inches are divided by 8. And a yard is a foot times 3.
It makes way more sense when you use it, but trying to explain it does make it sound crazy.
I thought it was powers of two because it’s not hard to find the halfway point between two other points, so you find the 1/2 mark, then the 1/4 mark, then 1/8, 16, 32, depending on how much precision you need. Then, at some point the unit changes again to mils or something like that.
After doing some digging in to this, I was thinking of the thou or mil, which is a thousandth of an inch. There’s also another one that I hadn’t heard of: the line, which is apparently equal to… 1/12 of an inch. Lol full circle.
If it’s a poorly made tape measure to begin with, doesn’t really matter. Could easily end up with 1/12" off.
If it’s really bad it might even be 2/7ths!
Don’t forget the 1/2" drywall, 3.5" studs, 1/2" foam thing, and siding.
Seems like a fantasy metric like all the others, what is wrong with it?
I am guessing no one’s gonna give an actual answer to what the meme is about (yes I know it’s from house of leaves, I have 0 interest in reading it) so would be actually nice to have a more in depth explanation
The story begins with a man doing the things described in the picture. He is puzzled and becomes interested in finding out more about it. His wife is not very happy about it. It’s easy to get lost in a new hobby. Other people have written their opinions on the strange house, and those are included.
I need to read that book again. It was scary, but I finished it utterly confused. I clearly missed a ton from the appendices.
Which book is this ?
House of Leaves, I believe
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.
More like House of Leaves
What book is it?
House of Leaves maybe?
House of Leaves definitely.
House of leaves, perchance
House of Leaves I believe
Alright, thanks!
Oh, I just started reading that. Any tips?
Read each page from left to right, starting to the top.
Usually pretty good advice for a book but actually not helpful in this book.
The real answer is to read it however you want to explore it.
The one time …
What if OP has a version translated into a right-to-left languages?
Did I stutter?
I don’t know, I was reading right to left
Don’t expect too much to “happen” and just enjoy the vibes. I would say the book is primarily a character study.
I kind of found the book sort of teaches you how to read it if you pay attention to the structure in the first few bits. But multiple bookmarks can help.
Don’t look up too much the first time reading it. Just enjoy the weird ride. Feel free to page over to the relevant appendices every now and then, although they didn’t make a ton of sense to me. When you’re done, check them out. Apparently there’s various secret messages and stuff back there that reveal more of the story but like I said, I still need to figure them out myself lol. Once I finished the book my mind was too twisted up trying to figure it out to look into them, but I’ll come back… one day.
Was about to say I enjoy the subtle “house” reference, but it turns out - not so subtle lol.
Oh oh oh, do one about “S” next! We love Ergodics!
Navidson Record moment
What is this referencing?
House of Leaves
Will, who tf is Delilah?
House of leaves, a good book you should read a physical copy of
Why exactly a physical copy?
Because the author plays with the physical formatting of the book, and physically having the copy you’re reading is important for getting the intended experience. It doesn’t work right with an ebook
I remember some rumour that an early version was web/hypertext based, which would’ve been interesting to experience.
I still have very little evidence that anyone other than hypertext narrative writers and English Lit grad students actually read (traverse) hypertext narratives these days, though.
The page layout and other features of the book are unique, and it doesn’t really carry over well to an ebook or audiobook
In today’s economy the bank might take that extra back.
I bought it like a week ago. I will start it before it ends up on the shelf of shame like S. did.
It’s been 16 hours since you’ve posted this. I can only hope you’re near the bottom of a looooong staircase at this point.
(Seriously, don’t sleep on this one - a lot of people get turned off by the experimental structure stuff but it’s 100% worth reading at least once)
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Step 5: le minotaur