Yes, this will definitely happen
Step 1: move data from files into a database
Step 2: delete files
Step 3: press release that we just deleted the files
Google, probably
Can they even untrain an IA with a given set of Data?
“Bard, forget this ever existed”
“Sure, I’ll make a copy so I won’t forget to forget”
Machine Unlearning is a very active field right now but basically
nonot really
You laugh but it would be really dumb for this not to happen. They would be held liable and most of the data they collect doesn’t come from incognito
Sure they will be held liable. Just like everything else they are held liable for.
It’s all fine, they have another set of billions of files as copies so they can safely remove the original collections.
Because they’ve already gleaned what they wanted.
Of course they do, they’ve already scanned all of them and updated their respective user profiles.
Am I the only one who never thought that incognito mode or the equivalent on FF was protecting me from anything other than anyone else who may use the same pc? I don’t share my pc with anyone so I only use those modes when I think a website is acting up because of previously stored cookies, credentials or my various script blockers.
Private mode is for when I want to pull up some weird YouTube video where some guy silently melts copper into bars and not have it clog up my partner’s reccos
I have something in common with that sentence but mine ends at pull
No you are not,
take this link and share it around to others who trust them…I think you misread me.
I never thought that these modes were protecting me from anything except those who shared the same pc. Apparently I am the only one who understands the way the internet works and that nothing you do or any software you run on your system can stop every website and server you interact with or that passes on your data packets to the next server from logging everything it can about you.
How do people think that sites like reddit cross check and correlate data from users to find those with multiple accounts that are attempting to evade bans? There is so much data that we don’t even know we are creating.
I’m all for privacy and anonymity when and where it makes sense but it seems like people here have no idea what the difference between the two are and just how difficult it is and how much extra friction it brings to attempt to be completely anonymous and private via a system designed to connect people.
I’m seeing a lot of people make arguments like this and I just don’t get it. Is your point that its okay for tech companies to prey on the ignorance of nontechnical users? We can’t expect everyone to know everything about every service they interact with.
Where did rdyoung say any of this?
What you just did was put words in his mouth;make a straw man.
And factually, browsers explain what their respective private/incognito modes do. People assumed they did something else.
Did these corporations take advantage of that? Yes.
In the end, these users are as much to blame for using a tool and assuming how it functioned.