That last one hit best.
I’ll constantly make entire spreadsheets to analyze the most random things, and then I get annoyed when my wife doesn’t want to hear the summary and conclusion.
I’m currently on my taxonomy obsession. Does anyone want to hear about how birds are actually reptiles?
Yes…yes I do. Their legs are all scales but they don’t shed. Pretty sure dinosaurs had feathers too.
Had? They still do! Birds are literally dinosaurs. Theropods to be precise. The same clade as the iconic T-Rex.
Not a programmer.
I spent the odd hour a day for a year and half, googling VBA to make a multi-page report with pictures and such generate automatically after the import of a CSV file.
All so I could do 30 reports I was secretly backlogged on that would have taken me about 3 days to do manually.After getting into Linux I decided I should learn programming too in case it’s useful and I’ve been trying to slap together little programs for doing things like logging the weights of my tree frogs or data scraping image hosting sites. Coding is actually pretty fun for the ADD brain. Lots and lots of problem solving, a system to figure out, autism brain logic stuff, it’s great.
I used to play this game called RAGE many years ago. It was a first person shooter, with a bunch of late game overpowered guns, had a crafting system to make ammo and the like, shops to sell and buy said ammo, but had strict resource controls to keep it competitive and fun.
So I spent around four days tabulating values of every ammo and crafting material in the game, mapping out which in-game traders sold what and when, and then spent maybe the next three days just craft-selling the cheapest item, a wingstick(basically a boomerang) in the game.
Hundreds and hundreds of wingsticks, grinding like a little kid in a sweatshop. I made enough money to max. out capacity on every ammo capacity in the game. As a result I breezed through the endgame, and what was supposed to be a long, tough, engaging mission into the heart of the enemy turned into a caricature of a boss fight, and I probably spend more time admiring the environment design there than worrying about dying or running out of ammo. I think I ran out only on one ammo type, and in total I used only the three most powerful ammo types in the game.
A level I should have enjoyed and formed the neat little bow for that game to be wrapped in, turned into a comical doom guy-esque slaughter of the scariest enemy in-game.
I am truly my own worst enemy.
It’s like that saying goes. “Players will optimize the fun out of a game.” Game studios spend many, many man hours on just this one aspect of development. It’s the reason Skyrim’s systems were fewer and simpler than Oblivion and Morrowind. I believe Todd Howard himself said they were trying to get away from all the spreadsheet inducing aspects of their games.
What they fail to realize is that optimizing and spreadsheets are fun for some people
Exactly. I stay away from EVE online because I know that if I start it, my life is over.
You guys keep coins in your wallet??? That seems like it would be terribly uncomfortable
Caffeine and I have a very strange relationship. Sometimes, it keeps me alert. Sometimes, it makes me crash within an hour of consuming it. I thought I didn’t have ADHD for the longest time because I was told of I did have it, caffeine would make me sleepy.
For me, it seems to have no effects. I’ve been known to down mugs full of coffee and still manage to fall asleep. (It gets the bowels running, though)
I’ve found constantly slamming energy drinks throughout the day to be a semi effective way of getting through work.
For me it’s music and pomodori
I hate you got me spot on!
Why don’t energy drinks work for us???
For the same reason Adderall let’s us focus, while it makes everyone else jittery.
Chemicals are weird. Thanks a lot, brain.
I don’t have ADHD but apply your “ADHD column” attributes to myself.
Poor meme