I’m really worried that the Democratic leadership is shooting itself in the foot.
A significant portion of the voter base that the Democratic party is counting on has serious and legitimate problems with the policy decisions of the administration. They’re making their thoughts known through all the channels they should theoretically be using; peaceful protest, petitions, letters etc.
Rather than addressing and validating any of these concerns the overwhelming response has been to ridicule those voters. People don’t respond well to, “Fuck you. Do what you’re told.” but that’s all they’re getting. Whenever people point this out the typical response is more of the same. All variations of, “It doesn’t really matter what you think or what you expect your elected official to do. Just shut up and vote for Biden.”
As if Trump would be any better… jfc
Democrats are so one-note. Level any criticism at them, and they just say “Trump”.
This is a primary. Also, people are allowed to vote their conscience. Maybe if more did we wouldn’t have a choice between a Regan Republican and a madman this year.
Voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil.
perfect! just as putin wants. vote your conscience, vote fascism
Primary vote is when you vote your conscience, general is when you hold your nose and do what needs to be done.
This is a good time to make your voice heard and pressure the current administration.
If the choices are fascism or moderate fascism, maybe try offering something better than fascism?
if my only choice is evil i will always automatically choose less evil. its really not even a choice.
if we really care about this shit, we would be pushing grass-roots ranked-choice voting to incur actual 3rd parties that matter. but we arent. so less evil it is. you can choose more evil if that makes you feel better, but you should know youre fucking everyone else over.
This is what lesser of two evils politics gets you: enthusiastic support of a genocide.
The country I was born in is full of collaborators; and I promise, if anyone ever comes along asking me to sell them out for citizenship elsewhere I’ll do it in a New York minute
Or you can choose something else entirely and not support a genocide. Turns out, if enough people do this, there’s even a small chance they might win. There’s even a chance that if they don’t win that this will push or even terrorize one of the major parties into moving to your position. But perhaps your conscience allows you to support a genocide. I certainly don’t have the stomach for that though.
Edit: A word
Who are you suggesting to vote for in the US presidential race that doesn’t support Israel?
They haven’t thought that far ahead.
They didn’t even know what they’re talking about, they don’t even understand the US electoral system.
i live in the US where my choice is evil or more evil.
youre telling me to choose more evil
choosing more evil at home might make you feel better about foreign policy, you are voting against your own ability to make this choice in the future. you are making your home life worse thinking you are helping people abroad, but in the long run you are not only helping evil at home, you are not going to help those abroad as the US is more than the president. it is silly to pretend trump will do anything but help russia and israel.
again, you only have 2 choices evil or more evil. pick one.
The immortal words of Comrade Aaron Bushnell
You think this administration is fascist?
I think fascism and support for a genocide tend to go hand in hand, so maybe I’m just getting there by working backwards.
Voting for EITHER main party is voting for fascism.
One just wants it to arrive quickly and one doesn’t want you to notice it’s happening.
Oh shut the fuck up you genocidal collaborator
Trump is going to fuck shit up so much worse than Biden over there. Like, orders of magnitude. They’re deluding themselves if they think any different.
I’m not voting FOR trump, i’m voting AGAINST GENOCIDE.
Maybe the new guy will do a genocide too, but at least I’m voting out the active genocider.
“the other guy will genocide them even harder than our guy is” really isn’t the selling point you think it is
Yes, I don’t want to vote for a comic book buffoon version of a narcissistic business villain… But I cannot vote for someone supporting a active genocide.
I’m morally compelled to vote for the lessor evil.
The winner takes all voting system is creating these false choices, and captures the population into a two party voting system. Ranked choice, instant run-off, etc are all better systems so we could actually vote on issues.