Rain, rain, come today.
I love you rain, don’t go away.
Play in the gray in April and May.
People say, “Hey, do you miss the sun’s rays?”
No.– Caspar Babypants
I love rainy days, because whenever it is not raining it’s hot as fk
Love False Knees. I finished reading it from start to finish (latest) a couple months ago.
Rain makes the street smell faintly of clay.
Finally we know…
Fuck rain. Rainy days are humid, wet, hot, muddy, sleepy and disgusting over all.
rainy days would be great if water wasn’t so wet, we weren’t largely reliant on electronics that tend to quite dislike water, and they only happened during warm days so i don’t feel like the rain might actually give me hypothermia
It’s been raining for two straight days where I’m at and it is going to rain for another 4. Rain is cool and all, but this amount is excessive. Everything is flooding. There was 2 inches of rainfall in 10 hours.