Suspected Israeli warplanes bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria on Monday, a marked escalation in a war pitting Israel against its regional adversaries, and Tehran said the strike killed seven military advisers including three senior commanders.
Reuters reporters at the site in the Mezzeh district of Damascus saw emergency workers clambering atop rubble of a destroyed building inside the diplomatic compound, adjacent to the main embassy building. Emergency vehicles were parked outside. An Iranian flag hung from a pole by the debris.
Shit like this keeps happening and Iran just shows incredible amounts of restraint.
Meanwhile, the “only democracy in the Middle East” is allowed to act like a rabid dog.
I was about to wonder who was this delusional, when I realized Hexbear’s infection had showed up again.
Israel has nuclear weapons. Iran doesn’t. Israel can get away with strikes like this. Iran uses proxies to do similar but deny involvement. Their proxy Hezbollah has obviously been busy since October, and the commanders killed were involved with that. Or maybe it’s a response to October 7th. Iran themselves have claimed that October 7th was retaliation for the killing of Soleimani:
They have since retracted that statement and Hamas has always denied it, but yeah.
Obviously, bombing an embassy is bad, but it’s not as if they’re going to convince their detractors anyway, so why would they care about people who were going to hate them anyway hating them some more?
A bit like how Iran gets away with funding terrorists who target civilians, because anyone who hates Israel isn’t suddenly going to hate Israel any less because of it.
‘obviously bombing an embassy is bad but’
Yyyyyyyeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ok
Do you disagree that bombing an embassy is bad?
Did you like Israel before they bombed this embassy?
Stealing land is bad but
Killing civilians is bad but
Killing children is bad but
Starving civilians is bad but
Committing a genecide is bad but
Just add a but and everything is okej.
Oh, you want to pretend I said bombing an embassy is ok, so you can entertain yourself arguing against that.
Why is the Israel government putting their entire nation even more at risk than it already is? What is the end game here as surely the people living in Israel recognize escalation puts them at risk.
Israel is trying to create another six-day war. That’s why they are trying to escalate it to neighboring countries. It’s all a part of the Zionist land grab strategy. The current weakened state of Russia gives them an opportunity. Iran and Syria used to have a lot of military support from Russia. That may also be a reason for so much Israel receiving so much backing from the US.
They’re confident in their backing and feel invincible. Lebanon, a small coastal neighbor with sites from ancient judea. Expanding into the territory is probably on their timeline.
Presumably, they want to drag USA into a broader regional war.
Okay, isn’t bombing an embassy an absolutely insane escalation? Even throughout WW1, WW2, or any other war in the past century, no country was crazy enough to undermine the sanctity of diplomacy like this and antagonize everyone.
The only other time this has happened in history was when NATO bombed a Chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999, and even here the US — the most war-mongering nation on the planet — apologized, said it was a mistake (though it definitely wasn’t — it was removed from the list of prohibited targets beforehand and struck 3 separate times), and paid for it to be rebuilt. Israel is completely unhinged.
Okay, isn’t bombing an embassy an absolutely insane escalation?
Yep. There’s literally two countries in the world who could get away with it without causing a major diplomatic crisis if not downright war: Israel and the US.
Meh, I bet if Russia bomb some random embassies in Ukraine there would not be additional war.
Yes. This is generally agreed upon as being a terminal escalation.
Attacking diplomatic missions very quickly turns into no diplomacy between the two countries. This doesn’t leave many options other than military actions on the table.
They’re basically telling Iran to wage war on israel…
The US has commissioned entire offices devoted to ensuring striking an embassy doesn’t happen again. Millions are spent every year to update the (surprisingly ever-changing) locations of embassies around the world so they don’t make the same mistake in the future. Whatever the thought process was that “allowed” a strike then has been eliminated and then some.
Its gonna be different when its not a people living in a concentration camp retaliating against Israel. This has the potential to escalate very quickly.
So they aren’t even going to say why they hit an embassy. Thats ballsy. Is this the last straw that starts the secret cogs turning to get rid of top leadership. If anytime to start it would be now to prevent further escalation.
They did it to try to broaden the conflict in hopes of drawing in direct military support from their western allies.
Ding ding ding
How does that actually benefit Israel, though? The “war” against Hamas at the moment is so lopsided in Israel’s favour that it seems ridiculous to even call it a war. A regional heavyweight like Iran could do some real damage, even if Israel’s supporters all show up. I’m not seeing the argument for “anger a country with a fucktonne of missiles in order to get help winning a war we were already easily winning”
Right now Russia is tied up in Ukraine. For Israel, this is the perfect opportunity to get rid of Iran. Once the war in Ukraine ends, Israel will be in deep shit because Russia can provide support to Iran and other regional Israeli enemies. Furthermore, the Israeli economy has also been severely damaged by the emmigration that was triggered by the war. Their reputation as a Jewish safe haven is toast. Time is running out.
With the public support amongst allies waning, Israel might be trying to escalate the war so as to once again gain favour.
Tomorrow if Iran or Jordan attacks Israel even if provoked by it, public support might change in its favour.
Bill Maher:What is your secret? Netanyahu:We have America
On the one hand, bombing someones embassy is a crime (and i expect nothing lesd from this regime), on the other hand, killing IRGC Generals is the best thing that Israel has done in a long time.
Edit: Apparently it isnt clear: The IRGC is a terrorist organization responsible for bombing kurds, murdering opposition leaders and massacres in Sistan and Baluchistan. Their skin color is completely irrelevant for me, i will always celebrate the deaths of people who harmed my extended family.