Bonus points if there’s a known onomatopoeia to describe the sound.
Nothing more fancy in Boston than “snow”.
“Myrornas krig”
“The war of the ants”
Which country/language? In Turkish, the idea is similar but the wording a bit different, “karıncalanma” (being ant-y) is commonly used. Same thing is also used for when a body part goes numb due to having it in weird position for some time, like sleeping with your arm under your body or sitting on the toilet too much and having your legs be numb.
There is also “parazit yapma” (making/doing parasites) used for the television thing.
Swedish (:
As for the numbness, if a foot goes numb, then we normally say that we “have sand in the foot” or that “the foot is asleep”
War of the ants
In Ukraine we say that “the image/display is snowing” (зображення/екран сніжить)
We called it static.
In Chiba city, it is described as “The sky above the port”
It’s snow
Always called it “Ant races”
Dreh die Antenne nach links, ich krieg nur rauschen hier unten.
It would be white noise, “weißes rauschen”, but nobody ever said the “white” part.
We call this “fleas” in my language
literally “little snow”
i’ve never interpreted that as little snow but “snow like”. like لواشک isn’t a small version of lavash it’s similar to lavash.
Hmmm maybe you’re right actually
Schneesturm (snow storm) or Ameisenkrieg (ant war) in German.
We always called it Ameisenfußball (ant soccer).
Polish: śnieg (snow) or kasza/kaszka/kaszana (groats)