You can definitely find men who flirt like all four of these examples.
I mean, the flaunting of sexual organs as an attempt to show fitness for mating isn’t exactly unlike those things
Okay but seriously giving shiny rocks to girls works pretty well. Not like jewelry or gemstones, literally just nice rocks.
Have you ever just sat and admired a well-tumbled stone? They’re pretty to look at.
Bonus, if your person is the right type of crafty, they can turn those nice rocks into jewelry! I have a couple pieces my wife has made because they were just interesting stones she’s found she thought I’d like.
Well I mean… Not exactly limited to girls. Who doesn’t like a nice shiny rock? Nobody, that’s who. Show me one person who claims to not have at least one good rock somewhere in their house. Can’t do it can yeh? Didn’t think so.
I got a rock last weekend that I’m still pumped about. I’m letting it just sit on top of my coffee table.
Edit: rock
What an immaculate specimen
Sweet rock!
Good rock
Building a beautiful house is slightly more involved than weaving together some sticks and twigs that you found.
Not if you don’t have hands
They also literally scream all day at the top of their lungs, “WANNA FUCK??”
Yeah I hate it when I’m trying to enjoy myself at the park and there’s a bunch of birds screaming at the top of their lungs about sex.
Think of the poor children, we can’t let this continue
Who Men or Birds? I mean that applies to both. If we are doing this whole sweeping generalization thing.
But seriously majority of Men aren’t jerks. Just a surprising number of men who go around hitting/trying to get laid all the time are.
Pssh, this is completely untrue. The last time I impaled a bunch of small people and animals on a giant thorn, I didn’t any attention. Well some, but the only from the police.
Lemme smash.
No, Ron. Go find Becky.
You wan… sum fuk?
Tbh most real birds probably act like the last one.
Ducks don’t even ask. They just rape. Most birds don’t have a penis, but ducks do. It’s for raping.
Not all birds
Definitely not ducks.
My name is Duck and I’m here to fuck.
This guy ducks
Fuzzy duck, ducky fuzz. Does he fuck? Fuck he does!
I’m a drake, you made a mistake.
Do birds have dicks? I’m not googling it
Ducks have a corkscrew shaped cock with explosive erections. There’s slo mo shots on youtube.
Also, female ducks have corkscrew shaped vaginas they can contract or relax. This is to protect against rape and to only mate with desirable males. It’s basically an arms race b/w duck dicks and vaginas. Ducks trying to be as as close to the vagina structure as possible, while the vagina tries to be as hard to get in (without consent) as possible.
Goat dicks are just as weird.
Most of them just touch butts
Ah, so just like humans
I’d be a Canada Goose
Hey baby wanna … HOOOOOONNNKKKK!!! …
I guess I flirt like a bird.
I’ve only properly been a woman for like, 5 years now, but I’ve honestly only had one dude ever attempt the fourth panel. Most dudes who try to flirt with me do it by talking about their interests and relentlessly complimenting me every time I know something about it or have something to add. That said, it does work on me.
I wish men and or women flirted like birds 😔
Honestly our species sucks
Our species’ talent is speech, and that’s what we use to flirt. That seems natural to me.
Eh I hate small talk. I’d much rather someone made me a diy gift. Doesn’t haven’t to be big but the time spent on it would communicate alot of affection to me 🤷
You say that, but it would only be charming from someone you’ve already been flirting with. The whole point of flirting is testing the waters with some amount of deniability so that it’s low-pressure on all sides. You keep toeing the line back and forth until you’re both really sure you’re super into each other. A DIY gift as a token of affection is a jump from the high dive, and goes a lot better when you’ve checked the pool is full.
If you don’t continue to flirt with your partner after you’re already together I feel sad for them. You should continue to flirt stranger. I would agree though, don’t buy a house for someone you don’t know lol. But here’s a better example for you those girl. I’m talking to you off dating app. You told me her favorite animal is a flying wolf. That’s kind of silly. 3D printed one. I’ll bring it to our date next week. If you think I’m not getting extra brownie points for that, you’re silly.
For sure for sure. Context matters. I’m currently making a patch for my girl. But, you know, I’m super sure she’s into me, for a whole pile of reasons. :P
Hell yeah dude that’s awesome 👈😎
Sounds like that would make it harder to meet people but easier to know when you’ve found a compatible match
So you want a gay sugar daddy basically.
I mean I’d like a sugar mommy but yeah basically 👈😎
But it’s the males who court
Speak for yourself men and women flirt and court with me 🤷
Hell nah. If we flirted like birds of paradise, it would be a very one sided relationship.
How’s that?
Males do all the flirting, and nothing for the offspring. Females do all the childrearing, and don’t flirt at all.
Ooooh you’re saying birds are one sided. Yeah I agree that would suck. I mean I wish human men and human women were better at flirting.
I’ll take the top left bird please.
And I love how all we women have to do is just sit there and attract men. /s