Now we’re gonna get all the lemmy people pouring in here talking about how Hexbear loves Trump.
Trump is an opportunistic grifter while Biden is an ideologically-committed Zionist and imperialist who thinks the only issue here is that the PR is bad.
I made this very point to the lib who was trying to browbeat people into supporting Biden here the other day, followed by tagging them when Trump immediately did this.
Naturally they couldn’t resist the Trump reference and have DM’d me with the more vacuous shit. We’ll see if they respond to my message. I’d be happy with an actual argument or dunk tank material but I suspect I’ll get neither.
This makes me think Trump could help by sheer, dumb luck, but then I remembered that an opportunistic grifter isn’t going to challenge the military-industrial complex in any meaningful way.
He’s also against the TikTok ban, Trump just has better political instincts than Biden.
Look at how fucking low the bar is. Biden just falls face first in front of it instead of clearing it.
What are you talking about? He literally tried to ban it and only changed his mind after meeting a megadonor who’s put a lot of money into tiktok.
Hey I never said Trump had good political instincts lol
Fair lol
Yes that was then.
Now he says it’s bad because it would hand too much power to facebook or some shit. Point is he says he’d reverse it.
lmao he’s gonna be the harm reduction candidate
to be absolutely real project 2025 is just straight up Nazi shit
i guess i don’t think they can pull it off, or that the democrats won’t go on to do it but called project 2029 anyway.
deleted by creator
I think it is both a threat and fearmongering shit. It will absolutely keep happening at the state level. Some stuff will happen at the Federal level, but there will be to much dysfunction to do it at the scale the red states will do it at.
Trump: “Damn, this looks really bad. My political instincts are telling me people would like it if I said war was bad.”
Liberals: “We must do the opposite of anything Trump says, so I guess now we’re all just openly thirsting for genocide.”
He arguably was last time since Biden has been worse on pretty much everything simply by not being too lazy to work
Folks, the bourgeois, they’re no good, more and more people are saying it. All these workers— the biggest, we have the biggest workers— very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they’re right. These bourgeois are very nasty people, very very rude, and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me every day and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say look, the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction, believe me. The means of production, Obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I’m seizing them. Landlords? They’re done for folks. Everyone told me— they said, Comrade Trump you won’t be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess who’s laughing now?
And then you have these capitalists, those are real beauties! This is their new hoax- they take a piece of machine, a big beautiful shiny new means of production, and they buy it and y’know, they own it, it’s a big beautiful shiny new machine, all the bells and whistles, bing bing bing, and then they have the workers- who are totally not being treated fairly in this country, folks, BELIEVE ME, totally exploited, and they have these workers-and they pay them a certain amount, could beee… $20 per hour, could be TEN, could be FIVE, could be TWELVE, they pay them a certain amount, okay, and with their labor they build the product.
And the owner of the machine, of the capital, “Capitalist” they turn around and sell the product at a yuge markup, they call it “profit.” ok, so they call it profit! They don’t sell it at the cost it took to make it, okay, so what do they do with this extra, you know what I call it? I call it surplus value. I call it surplus value, and do they share the surplus value with the people whose labor PROVIDED the value it took to make that product? I don’t think so, folks.
They stick in a bank and then they say “ohhhh I can’t afford to pay you more!” Bad- BAD people. It’s totally phony, folks. Raw deal, our proletariat are getting a raw deal. But not for long! We’re gonna- and by the way it never occurs the workers to pool their resources and buy the big beautiful machine in order to share the profit that they created in the first place with their labour! And you know why? Because the capitalists pay the workers such a low wage they can’t afford to then invest and pool their money and share in ownership… of the means of production! Can’t do it! This is the biggest scam on the planet, folks! Boy, I’ve heard some real beauties but that one, WOW, that’s a doozy. That’s a real beauty. But we’re gonna fix it, folks, we’re gonna fix it, okay? and you know what the laborers are going to do? They’re gonna WIN.
Folks, what we did in 1917–the Revolution I call it, with a capital R–it’s never been done before. So many big beautiful red flags, you couldn’t even–now that, folks, that’s a flag we stand up for, we don’t kneel for our terrific red flag–and you couldn’t even see the Winter Palace, you know. You know the Mensheviks, you take a look at what they said, and they were a, uh, a failed party, and Renegade Kautsky, very nasty to me but that’s okay, they said we couldn’t do it! They said, “Oh, Vlad, the material conditions are bad, we have to have a bourgeois republic to develop the forces of production.” You know what that means, right? Semi-feudal economy! Okay, you get Semi-Feudal, and I said, I told them we can’t have Semi-Feudal. Well, look at where we are now, Julius. We are going to develop the forces of production so fast it’ll make your head spin. We are going to do in a generation what it took them many, many years to do. BELIEVE ME.
lol did you have ChatGOP write this?
Nah, copied it from reddit
Trump and Trump supporters seem to be holding up the Abraham Accords as Trump’s big accomplishment in the region, which would’ve supposedly led to a resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Of course the problem is here is that peace does not equal a just solution to the conflict. The Abraham Accords were always pro-Israeli, with the explicitly stated goal of isolating the Palestinians in the region and forcing them to come to the table with Israel, which they would’ve done from a weak position at that point. And of course the Abraham Accords relied on quid pro quos that led to further destabilization in the region - selling weapons to the UAE and Bahrain during the Yemen conflict, destabilizing the Sudanese peace process, and recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara. So although Trump is going to tout peace and we’re going to be subjected to a new round of “trump was an antiwar president,” his idea of peace is a pro-Israeli one and far from what our idea of what peace in the region looks like.
Won’t this lose him a bunch of zionist support? Lmao
No, because they’ll just tune this bit out and insist Trump is the only one strong enough to beat Hamas.
Trump: loses all his money in lawsuits, thus loses his bougie status
becomes radicalized toward communism
Puyification knows no limits
Another Red Scare is started by Trump-obsessed libs
If I genuinely believed that Trump would stop the war in Palestine I would advocate for Trump as the lesser evil.
I don’t believe that. And Biden won’t either. So I advocate for neither. But you would see me openly state that people should vote for him if I believed it.
keyword “seems to be”
i know we here on hexbear are smarter than to actually believe him, right? like he sees that it’s one of biden’s biggest failures so he’s like “obviously i wouldn’t be fucking this up so bad” and as soon as he gets in office he’s gonna sit down with netanyahu and they’re going to flesh out a 10 point plan to get hamas to come to the negotiating table by executing a palestinian child every hour on israeli national television.
empty words, this is the mf who moved the us embassy from tel aviv
also the mfer whose sons in law is already talking about all the exciting new waterfront properties that will soon be available in Gaza
the ‘gaza question’ in the US Presidential Election:
genocide and oil speculation vs. genocide and luxury tump-branded gaza hotel
Trump stance means nothing as his actions follow no coherent ideology except self promotion
He probably wont 180 harder than Milei, maybe like 120-150, Im not going to vote but if theres an endorsement from Palestinians for a US candidate I probably will. I doubt it, but it wouldnt take much for me to vote for literally anyone, anyone who literally just goes on a stage and says free Palestine gets my vote, and no one is going to do that, its insane. The politicians arent even willing to lie about it. There is not a single person on the ballot who is pro Palestine. I fucking hate this country and its people.
Trump is just employing the strategy Nixon used in '68 on the Vietnam war. sometimes insinuate you want peace, other times say Biden isn’t slaughtering enough Palestinians. everyone hears what they want to hear.
Yeah, Trump’s comments are pretty useless, and are 100% useless when he’s at minimum 10 months away from being in position to do anything.