Holy fucking hell man. Send them off to catch shrapnel, and if they come back (and that’s a big if), they no longer will be the man you once knew.
This is the type of country the US Republicans want to emulate.
They don’t give a shit. Politicians never do the fighting themselves, and lots of the loudest, most enthusiastic Republicans are too old to actually join the military. Besides, empathy is for “woke” snowflakes.
Given how some Russian men treat their wives, and are legally allowed to do so, this may be valid advice.
@LaFinlandia You have got to be kidding me. If he’s an abuser, well, nothing lost, but seriously?? That’s really cold.
“Life Coach” is a wonderful job for people with spouses who can support them.
The part where he realises “you’ll get money if your loved one is killed” fails to get a laugh can make ones balls prune up.
I couldn’t tell if they didn’t laugh because of the obvious that they wouldn’t want their loved ones killed, or didn’t laugh because they knew they would get no money when their husbands died.