It’s odd that razor sharp teeth is kind of the gold standard for a scary animal, but honestly, getting swallowed whole and slowly digested by stomach acid sounds so much more horrific. I’d so much rather a T-Rex eat me than that.
I recall reading a meme about the ocean being bullshit, something along the lines of “the most common way to die on land is something making your blood fall out”.
I dunno, can the stomach digest you, or smother you, before you pull out a knife and slice your way out?
I feel like “being comped to death” beats “swallowed whole” on the total chance of dying.
The stomach isn’t like a big cave with a pool af acid in it. It is compacted by muscles around it so if you are swallowed whole, you would have to fight against those muscles to even be able to move at all. If your arms are above your head it’s likely you would die before you are able to move them to your hips to draw your knives. If they are at your hips, good look moving the knives to point outwards. Also the stomache is lined with thick mucous to protect it from sharp objects… Also it’s completely dark and disorienting.
It’s almost certainly you’d drown, suffocate and get crushed VERY quickly after getting swallowed alive.
WTF?! Is that a bird or a starship?
looks like an upside down stingray to me
I know! I’m stuck somewhere between astonishment & being pissed off they didn’t let Goldblum ride one of those things in one of the Jurassic Parks.
;_; my childhood is now even sadder after missing out on this hypothetical… That would’ve been epic.
except its not a dinosaur…
correct its a meme dinosaur
no not a nidosaur
Well, that sounds like a lot, until you realise that mfking seagulls can eat rabbits.
Your link mentions them weighing “a quarter of a ton”. Now, idk what “ton” theyre using there, but a quarter of a US ton would be “only” 226 kg. That’s ~500lbs.
I’d like to remind everyone that a reality TV-show called “My 600-lb life” exists.
So regarding hypothetical horror scenarios, I’m not too fussed about the overgrown seagull as much as I am about the feathered 4000-8000kg monster with a skull almost the size of an adult woman running at me at 70km/h.
Uh, according to Google 1 US ton is 2000 lbs.
Nowadays the most dangerous birdy is this one, capable of gutting you with a kick and they don’t hesitate to do so either.
I dunno about Cass, but I’m definitely wary…
No no it’s Cas O’Wary, noted local tradesman
facepalm FFS, of course! He’s the cousin of Patty O’Doars right?
Wrong, it is the common Australian magpie during swooping season.
Depends, did it speak German?
Das haben wir damals noch nicht gemacht, aber mittlerweile ist das ein MUSS für jeden anständigen Dino
Also a nice birdy
That first picture…
Reminds me of the Wilddruden from the Ronja Räubertochter (Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter) movie.
Oh man, this movie had such an impact on a couple of generations of Scandinavians. I’ve talked to multiple folks in the BDSM community who had their sexual awakening to the scene where Ronja is tied underground by the small elf people.
That too right picture for a second looked like a man in a bunny suit t-bagging the camera
This must be a poor reconstruction, no? how could this possibly fly? Tiny wings and a massive imbalance with like 2/3 of the thing being neck and head?
There’s a little of both in play here.
First, the whole black and white part of the illustration is a neck flap that may or may not have existed. It makes the neck look super thick, but it was just the artist’s interpretation.
Second, penguins. Pterosaurs have big, hollow heads and skeletons that look like they should have flown. The same can be said of penguins.
Look just because we haven’t found any air fossils yet
I recall reading something about a similar Dino that didn’t so much fly and ran and glided instead. I wonder if it’s similar to what this big boy did.
But penguins are flightless birds? I could imagine the big guy being a flightless bird with vestigial wings, like ostriches.
The strong head, small body with all four extremities being used to stand seems more evolved for walking to me (I know next to nothing about fossil reconstruction though)
But penguins are flightless bird?
That’s his point.
Despite its size, it only weighed about 250 lbs. Most of its skull is hollow.
In international standard SI units that’s about 113 kg.
What, did this thing hate women?
Pteryx means wings, hence the joke doesn’t fly.
Woah - I had never heard of the Hatzegopteryx. I spent some time today watching videos of this guy today (and its relatives, Quetzalcoatlus and Argentinosaurus). They are really cool.
I know that there is a lot of arguments about what dinosaurs actually looked like - I hope that in the videos they make these guys scarier than they actually were… This video is especially:
Personally, this style (from a great PBS Eons video) is my favorite interpretation:
And artists apparently like to emphasize that these guys could eat small dinosaurs!
Pelicans for humans
kitty : 3
im just gonna call it big bird