Ace Hardware is where you find frustrated tenants who decided it would just be easier to fix the sink themselves rather than deal with the landlord
You can also find there lost asexuals that ware looking for a garlic bread bakery.
When I was renting that was me lol. Tbf, the reason I didn’t want to deal with the landlord is because I didn’t pay the pet fee…nor the “smoke jazz tobbaccy in the apartment” fee…
“Look it’ll be easier for me to just do it than to hide the cats and bongs ok?”
as a Home Depot employee, let it be known: at least in my store: don’t assume dads and moms aren’t LGBTQ+, as there’s plenty of overlap, and everyone seems pretty much at home here. also, as an appliance specialist, i find it amusing that it’s the same-sex couples who are usually only ones who actually enjoy shopping for appliances as the task (shopping for and later using) seems more equitably split between them. although, i have observed, lesbian couples tend to view is as a dull task and gay male couples tend to view it as “shopping,” therefore “fun”.
i automatically give all discernably queer couples a “family” discount that is within my discretion.
seems more equitably split between them. although, i have observed, lesbian couples tend to view is as a dull task
Was a bit surprised until that part. No way my moms shopping would seem like an equitable split between them. Granted, one of my moms is regularly assumed to be a guy (I’ve had my high school’s front office tell me to go to a remote parking lot to see my “dad” before - had fun messing with my teacher by pointing out I don’t have one as I left the classroom). So people might not even notice they are a lesbian couple and many probably assume she’s a dad when with us. Home Depot has always been far closer.
I do my best not to assume, and use gender neutral language, wherever possible. In my experience, same-sex couples are typically quite enthusiastic about telling me about their recent marriage, or even that they are a couple. I find it lovely. 
Nice. Curious if this is mostly younger couples. My parents grew up in a time less accepting (and we are in Texas), so that seems foreign to me.
not mostly younger couples, oddly. there’s a pretty good spread.
i’m in central FL
Didn’t the owner or CEO of lowes say some really homophobic shit a few years ago? I feel like they got the demos swapped. On the other hand, I like Lowes Lesbian as a term a lot more than butch.
The founder of Home Depot was definitely involved in some garbage. If the Lowe’s CEO was, I missed it.
Who is native to Harbor Freight?
Engineers, farmers, or anyone else predisposed to do things themselves but not as theit main professional capacity.
I shop at Ace…
I’m team Menards
You have chosen poorly.
Source, I worked at Menards for way longer than I should have. Enjoy that 28% mark up on sub standard goods.
I swear I have sent in a dozen or so of those 11% rebates and never received anything back. Please tell me it was some kind of scam all along!
You can’t say that word anymore!
I can’t believe we’ve reached the point in our society where we care about the sexuality or gender of people in Home Improvement stores. 🤦
Have you ever been in a home depot? The atmosphere is full of unresolved emotions, general frustration, and hatred disguised as jokes at your “friend’s” expense. Of course it’s the dad’s home improvement store. And it fucking sucks
Hmm let’s flip this around and make it about Lowes and lesbians, and see how many people get pissed off:
Have you ever been in a Lowe’s? The atmosphere is full of leftover teen angst, the misplaced desire to prove oneself, and anger disguised as jokes at the straights expense. Of course it’s the lesbians home improvement store. And it fucking sucks
It’s fun throwing stereotypes around, isn’t it!
Okay but are you legitimately made uncomfortable by the people around you at lowes or are you just trying to invert what I said because you don’t like it? I’m in these stores all the time due to my profession, and my experience is that there’s a big difference in which people frequent which store, and the attitudes they bring with them.