socialism is an impoverishing phenomenon
Javier Milei
Wasn’t this intentional? The first thing he did was halve the value of the currency. Seems kinda goofy to dunk on someone for accomplishing what he set out to accomplish
Regardless if it was intentional, his supporters domestic and abroad thought he was going to usher in the ultimate free market, free from regulations, age of consent, and communism
Things take time, but he definitely is working towards making Argentine free to plunder by foreign capital.
No. He and his team are incompetent. He tried to rule by decree, when that failed he tried to push a huge law and when that got pushback they tried to take it back to committee without understanding it meant they were back to square one.
Even so, blaming him entirely for inflation is silly. He’s only the president, and has only had a couple of months.
blaming him entirely for inflation is silly
This is true, since he’s actually the third Thatcher that God visitted upon that country.
He’s simply more skilled than Pinochet and Macri at crashing the economy.
At this rate idk if anyone’s going to top his ruin the country any% speedrun and I await the SummoningSalt video.
When the aim is to be evil, it’s always right to dunk
yeah, it is entirely intentional
Listen up commies:
Crashes the economy
I feel bad dunking on this bc people are being hurt by this jackass and his cronies
I can’t believe communism would do this
“Detective, please. I do not think you are doing a very good job at this President ‘side hustle.’ Just change the currency back, resign, and let’s get back to the investigation.”
Does this mean that we can now ask chuds “BUT WHAT ABOUT ARGENTINA!?” when they bend over for capitalism so fervently?
i kinda brought it up to a finance type guy yesterday and he said that after decades of terrible economic policy, argentina is finally on the right track, even if it’s gonna hurt in the short term.
these fuckers will bend reality until it breaks before admitting that maybe people need food to eat.
They have been saying the exact same thing about the former Soviet Union for over thirty years now. Just some short term pain to correct for all the economic mismanagement of socialism. Any day now…
GDP per capita - itself a terrible measure, especially comparing socialism and capitalism - only in recent years got back up to 1991 levels in Russia. Ukraine (even before the SMO) never got back up to the Soviet level. The entire Eastern Bloc would have been better off today in GDP per capita terms if they just had barely above zero economic growth this whole time.
“short term”
The exchange rate devaluation wouldn’t have been as much of a issue if he had done it slowly and enacted price controls but noo shock therapy it is.
What does he thinks of Russia and Eastern Europe doing the same policy and failing?
it’ll be short for the people that die of hunger…
Actually Existing Anarcho-Capilatlism (AEAC) in action folks
“Wait, no! Milei’s not a REAL libertarian, he’s a socialist too! Argentina’s still corporatist, not capitalist! Want REAL capitalism? Just look at Medieval Iceland or England! We can TOTALLY recreate those CAPITALIST societies in the 21st century! Trus me bro!”
— Some 14-year-old AnCap edgelord on 4chan
you guys are so stupid, look at how much money they have now
Adding zero after zero to the economy
Capitalism is when no food.
Actually true
Any day now, it’ll be a glorious ancapistan utopia! Trust me!
Yes, but you know, this is good inflation.
The rule 34 kind?
no it’s like cholesterol, where some is “good” and some is “bad”. you have no idea what the difference is but you think the point is to eat more eggs and less deep fried things or something
Real capitalism has
neverbeen tried.we did it, guys! we balanced the budget! and we get to build a new cathedral made out of bones with all the people we starved doing so!