Not my OC.
I love to think that you’d need command override to turn off the Holodeck safety.
“Ensign Barclay is not in the sudoers file.”
“This incident will be reported.”
It’s still baffling to me why there is even an unsafe mode in the first place. What could that possibly be used for?
On a related note: why is the holodeck door so hard to open when the computer is on the fritz/taken over? Surely this isn’t such a high security room that they couldn’t just leave the door with a manual latch?
Probably for unforeseen situations. Remember you can make whatever you want, it’s probably possible to create a program that abuses the safety protocols to create a trap or something.
The enrichment center reminds you that the nuggies cannot speak
Except that last one. I think it was about to say “I love you.”
Unexpected Shakespeare. Nice.
And yummy.
Like the guillotine, my sense of radical mercy started with understanding that you decapitate the dinosaur nugget swiftly. Pain isn’t the punishment.